Читать книгу Ashtanga Yoga - Gregor Maehle - Страница 139

Vinyasa Three


Exhaling, fold forward, dropping the head.

There are two hand positions for this posture. The first is where the palms face each other and the thumbs point down when one stands upright. This is the same hand position as in Halasana (page 118) and Karnapidasana (page 119). Pressing the heels of the hands together to intensify the stretch is contraindicated in students who have hyperextended elbows. If this condition is present, the teacher should not apply weight to the student’s hands to get them deeper into the posture, as it may exaggerate the condition.

Once the first hand position is mastered, one can switch to the second, which is more challenging. Here we medially rotate the humeri (arm bones). In the forward bend the palms will face away from you with the thumbs pointing down to the floor. Apart from the arm position, the instructions for Prasarita Padottanasana C are the same as for B, with the added weight of the arms opening the shoulder joints and bringing more gravitational force into play in the stretching of the hamstrings. Hold this posture for five breaths.

Ashtanga Yoga

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