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Publication of Erroneous Pathology Data: Inadvertent Fraud?


Publications involving mice and other animals sometimes include histopathology figures that do not show what is described in the figure legend and/or text [2, 48, 49]. This problem has occurred most often in publications that do not appear to include a pathologist as a co‐author, and in journals that are not pathology‐based. The absence of pathology support at a research institution may be due to cost, lack of pathology staff, and/or the desire of a scientist and his staff to attempt pathology on their own (“Do It yourself pathology”) [50]. These publications containing clearly erroneous findings may be due to lack of pathologists as reviewers of the submitted manuscript and/or a lack of the journal reviewers and editors who understand the value of accurate histopathology description and interpretation. Emails to authors and editors involved with the publication usually evoke no responses, and rarely concern even if there is a response. The only solution is for scientists and journals to understand the importance of pathology as a critically important medical specialty as part of doing research using mice.

Pathology of Genetically Engineered and Other Mutant Mice

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