Читать книгу Food Chemistry - Группа авторов - Страница 53
1.11.4 Effects of Adulterated Food on Human Health
ОглавлениеAdulterated food is a major threat to the consumers because just to maximize the profit vendors are using new techniques for adulteration of food which is difficult to find out [87–91]. Although there are many food safety acts launched by the government and there are many techniques through which the food undergoes examination before consumed by the consumer, the vendors are on step ahead from safety agencies because their techniques are increasing with the time. Vendors used poisonous chemical substances such as formalin which is applied on poultry products such as fish, meat, milk, and some fruits by many vendors which causes different types of skin diseases, cancer, and asthma to the consumer. Calcium carbide, coloring dyes, burnt engine oils, urea, and many more permitted preservatives are used in maximum amount which affects multiple organs of human body. In many cases, it becomes reason of cancer like colon, peptic ulcer, chronic level disease including liver failure, and cirrhosis. Bone marrow, blood disorder, and heart disease are also detected. There are also chances of malignancy increases and neurological impairment or brain functions are also compromised. Some food materials also caused different types of skin problems including allergic reactions. Many types of mineral oils which we consume often contains adulteration that is they are mixed with cheaper toxic oil which may cause heart problem, and if they are consumed by pregnant women, then it might lead to abortion or it can damage the brain of baby. Color which is added to food and vegetables can also lead to allergies, liver disease, and much more. PbCrO4 when added to turmeric and species can causes various diseases such as paralysis, anemia, abortions and, brain damage.