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Sometimes, it can feel like the pieces coming together. Now, all those parts of our parents make sense, like for Jennifer, whose father dressed in skirts and dresses for years in the house before coming out, or for Olivia, who found her dad’s female name on social media.

It can feel like things settle down and make sense.

Olivia looked back in her journal and found entries where she was so close to knowing, but she didn’t make the leap from what she saw to what was happening. Once, at a restaurant, a waiter mistook her dad for a woman and her mom got upset. She just thought her mom was overreacting.

Becca looked back at family vacation photos, from when she was four or five, where her dad was shaving his legs. At her sports games, her dad gravitated to the other moms. This part of her parent’s identity was there in some ways all along. It might be there in other dads, too, even cisgender dads. Not every change in gender expression has a meaning. For Becca, clarity came later. Once her dad came out, she made sense of all the pieces.

My Trans Parent

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