Читать книгу BOSH! Healthy Vegan - Henry Firth - Страница 27
Move daily.
ОглавлениеMake an effort to move on a daily basis, by including it in your daily routine. This may involve active hobbies, like going to the gym or a class, or could be simply walking to the bus stop twice a day. Just make choices that involve your body moving as much as possible.
A cool way to track this is with a smartphone or smartwatch. 10,000 steps is commonly used as a target to aim for each day, and trackers for this can be found on almost all smartphones and smartwatches now. You could use a wall chart instead, and simply note down 30 minutes of active movement on a daily basis. Whatever you do, try to move every day.
Or try ‘exercise snacking’: moving regularly for short periods throughout the day. Look for ways to introduce extra activity: do you have a long work phone call scheduled? Could you do it while you go for a walk? Or if you have to travel to a meeting, can you incorporate some walking or cycling into the journey? If we have a meeting a few miles away and the weather’s nice, we like to cycle, to help us keep active.