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Most of us are generally not that great at relaxing. We live busy, frantic lives running from task to task, constantly spinning plates. With no downtime, your brain is constantly in a state of stress. When you are overwhelmed with stress, your body is constantly in fight-or-flight mode, with high cortisol levels (cortisol is our body’s stress hormone) which can lead to longer-term health consequences. Finding an opportunity each day to relax really helps to reduce stress and promotes a more positive attitude to life.

Relaxing on a daily basis can give you a new default mode. Instead of being like a stretched elastic band, constantly under pressure, you’ll find yourself existing in a more relaxed state of mind most of the time. If something stressful does happen it’s easier to deal with from a state of calm. It will also give you a more balanced view on life. You’re less likely to lash out at those you love, and in difficult negotiations you will be more flexible. You’ll find you sleep better too, and might even find it benefits your exercise and general fitness. See? It all fits together beautifully!

Learn to meditate. Meditation is perhaps the most commonly talked about form of relaxation. Many people practise meditation or mindfulness on a daily basis to help quiet their minds. Apps like Headspace or Calm are great for this (we use both): you can practise meditating daily for 5, 10, 15 or even 30 minutes, and you’ll experience benefits from the first session. If you prefer, attend meditation classes and learn the principles from a teacher, which you can then apply to your own practice. Forms of prayer work to quieten the mind, too, and both prayer and meditation have been linked to populations who live longer.

Focus on what you’re grateful for, and let your internal voice thank the universe for that thing. Did you feel stressed? Probably not. It’s hard, if not impossible, to be stressed while feeling grateful. Gratitude is a practice, almost like a muscle, that can be strengthened through daily exercise. Spend some time each day, either just in your mind or writing in a journal or on your phone, focusing on three things you are grateful for. This will help calm your mind, give you a more positive outlook and reduce stress.

Factor in some ‘me-time’. We consider our morning workouts as ‘me-time’. They help clear our minds and give us a really positive boost for the day ahead. Me-time is different for everyone – just think about what it is you like to do (which doesn’t involve a screen) and find a way to do some of it every day. We love to cook, and even though it’s what we do for our daily work, we still find cooking for ourselves in the evening to be relaxing. Other examples include reading, crossword-puzzles, gardening, walking the dog, taking a long bath, yoga or deep-breathing exercises. Even tidying the house can be a relaxing activity if you do it right. Whatever you do, find a way to get a bit of relaxing me-time into your day. Your body, mind and soul will benefit.

BOSH! Healthy Vegan

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