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2. Diabetes and Your Feelings25

“I have type 1 and can’t stop the blood glucose roller-coaster ride that I am on. Either I take too little insulin and my level soars or I take too much and it plummets. My diabetes edu-cator suggested I start using a continuous glucose monitor, but I shied away from that because of the expense. Now, I regret that decision, because my glucose swings were so hard to manage. I missed a lot of work, so my boss fired me from my position. The loss of my job was rough, but not as rough as the loss of my relationship with my wife. She used to have so much patience with me; I could always count on her. But when my work problems began and money got tight, she started to resent the fact that I had diabetes. Now when I try to hold her, she pulls away. I know that she is angry, but I don’t know how to fix things. We now sleep in separate rooms. I feel like I’ve been fired from my job and my marriage.” —John

Loss of Job Leads to Relationship Problems

Seeking Financial Help

The cost of diabetes can be emotionally upsetting, especially if you don’t have adequate insurance, job security, or have numerous financial commitments. Many couples find that diabetes brings significant finan-cial pressures into their lives and into their bedrooms.

If you feel overwhelmed by the cost of diabetes, speak with your health care team. They should be able to put you in contact with assistance groups in your area that can help you with a variety of resources. A list of pharmaceutical companies with prescription assistance programs is located in the Appendix. Don’t let your emotional response to diabetes interfere with your relationships. Take steps to reduce the negative feel-ings that diabetes has brought into your life.

Intimacy & Diabetes

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