Читать книгу The Gun Digest Book of Rimfire Rifles Assembly/Disassembly - J.B. Wood - Страница 23



1. Remove the inner magazine tube, and set the hammer on its safety step. Partially open the action. Take out the large cross-screw at the rear of the receiver.

2. Move the sub-frame and buttstock assembly straight out toward the rear. Move it slowly, and insert a fingertip through the ejection port to restrain the ejector, as it will be released as the front of the bolt clears it.

3. Remove the ejector spring from its recess in the left inner wall of the receiver. Move the ejector downward off its fixed pivot post, and take it out.

4. Tip the bolt upward at the rear, and move it a short distance toward the front.

5. Bring the rear of the bolt back down parallel with the top of the sub-frame, then lift the bolt off upward.

6. The firing pin and its return spring are retained in the bolt by a roll cross pin. Drift out the pin, and remove the firing pin and spring toward the rear.

7. The bolt cover plate on the right side is taken off by prying it gently outward at the rear, equally at the top and bottom, until it snaps off its fixed mounting pin.

8. Insert a screwdriver blade between the extractor and its plunger, depress the plunger, and remove the extractor from its recess in the bolt. Caution:Take care that the screwdriver doesn’t slip, and ease out the plunger and spring.

9. Depress the carrier, and remove the locking block from the lever link toward the left.

10. Unhook the carrier spring and allow its front arm to swing upward, relieving its tension.

11. Drift out the carrier pivot pin toward the right, and remove the carrier and its spring upward.

12. Removal of the carrier pin will also release the hammer stop block, and it can now be removed upward.

13. Restrain the hammer, pull the trigger, and ease the hammer down beyond its normal forward position, relieving the tension of its spring. Drift out the hammer pivot pin toward the right, and remove the hammer and its attached spring guide upward. The guide pin is staked in place, and should not be removed in normal takedown.

14. Open the lever, and remove the mainspring and its lower guide downward.

15. Drift out the lever link pivot pin.

16. Removal of the pin will allow the lever to be pivoted downward beyond its normal position, and the link can then be removed toward the right.

17. Drift out the lever pivot pin, and remove the lever downward.

18. Drift out the roll cross pin at the rear of the trigger, restrain the sear link, and remove the link and its spring upward.

19. Drift out the trigger cross pin and remove the trigger and its spring upward.

20. Remove the buttplate, and use a B-Square stock tool or a long screwdriver to remove the stock bolt. Take off the stock toward the rear.

21. Push out the cross pin that retains the sear, and remove the sear and its spring downward.

22. Remove the cross-screw in the front barrel band.

23. Drift out the cross pin in the rear barrel band, and slide the band off the forend toward the front. Remove the outer magazine tube toward the front, and take off the forend downward. The front barrel band can be removed only after the front sight is drifted out of its dovetail.

The Gun Digest Book of Rimfire Rifles Assembly/Disassembly

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