Читать книгу Killing the Deep State - Jerome R. Corsi. Ph.D. - Страница 15


AT 11:05 A.M. ET ON June 16, 2015, when Donald and Melania Trump descended from the mezzanine of Trump Tower in New York City to announce Donald Trump’s candidacy for president, US politics entered a revolutionary era. Almost immediately, the mainstream media began characterizing Trump’s candidacy as a joke, predicting his demise. Trump would never win in the primaries, most insisted. Then, when Trump surged in the primaries, the mainstream media changed the theme, predicting Trump would never get enough delegates for a first ballot win at the Republican national nominating convention in Cleveland. In the end, Trump’s victory in the primaries was decisive, winning 41 primaries and getting some 500 delegates more than the 1,237 he needed to secure the GOP presidential nomination on the first ballot.

Even as the nation prepared to vote on November 8, 2016, commentators on cable television remained unanimous in their opinions that Trump was losing badly in the polls and that Hillary was certain to win the presidency. Democrats began the 2016 presidential campaign with “a mortal lock” on 246 of the 270 electoral votes needed to win.1 Pundit after pundit insisted that Trump would lose some of the largest states with the greatest number of electoral votes, including both New York and California. According to the experts, he had “no electoral path” available to win enough of the remaining states to get the 270 electoral votes needed for victory.

Yet at 2:45 a.m. ET, after the voting was done, television networks announced to a stunned nation that Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral votes had gone to Donald Trump, making him the president-elect of the United States. Donald Trump had defied all odds, winning a surreal victory that sent the Deep State into an immediate panic.

A leaked video showed an elated Clinton family prematurely celebrating victory on election night based on early results indicating that Hillary would be elected president, just as predicted. The video shows Chelsea running into her mother’s open arms, embracing a smiling Hillary, while Bill Clinton claps his hands and jumps up and down like an excited schoolboy.2 Too bad for the Clintons the elation did not last long.

In R. Emmett Tyrrell’s blog on The American Spectator website, sources reported that Hillary flew into a rage after it was clear she had lost. According to Secret Service officers, Hillary pounded the furniture and screamed obscenities—throwing objects at staff in an uncontrollable fury.

Killing the Deep State

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