Читать книгу Killing the Deep State - Jerome R. Corsi. Ph.D. - Страница 4




Part 1. The Deep State Embraces the #NeverTrump Movement

1. The Smoking Gun

2. A Shattering Defeat and the Left’s Paradise Lost

3. The Deep State Targets Trump

4. The Strategy to Block Trump’s Inauguration Fails

5. Democrats Go Hard-Left

6. The Deep State Sets a Trap

Part 2. The Deep State’s Plan to Remove Trump from Office

7. The Trump Dossier

8. The Truth about “Russian Collusion”

9. Mainstream Media Attack Trump

10. Antifa Anarchists Go Wild

Part 3. How Trump Wins

11. How Trump Can Win the Propaganda War

12. The Counteroffensive Trump Must Launch

Conclusion: The Fight to Save President Trump



Killing the Deep State

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