Читать книгу Killing the Deep State - Jerome R. Corsi. Ph.D. - Страница 17

Hillary’s Defeat: “An American Tragedy”


The next day, David Remnick, the author of a 2010 book titled The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama, delivered the political left’s verdict on Trump’s unanticipated victory in the New Yorker. “The election of Donald Trump to the Presidency is nothing less than a tragedy for the American republic, a tragedy for the Constitution, and a triumph for the forces, at home and abroad, of nativism, authoritarianism, misogyny, and racism,” Remnick wrote. “Trump’s shocking victory, his ascension to the Presidency, is a sickening event in the history of the United States and liberal democracy.” Already, Remnick was lamenting the passing out of office of Barack Obama. “On January 20, 2017, we will bid farewell to the first African-American President—a man of integrity, dignity, and generous spirit—and witness the inauguration of a con who did little to spurn endorsement by forces of xenophobia and white supremacy,” he insisted. “It is impossible to react to this moment with anything less than revulsion and profound anxiety.”5

This was the first salvo suggesting that the Hillary camp was not about to accept defeat so easily. Clearly the political left could not allow American voters to elect to the presidency a person David Remnick and like-minded ideologues in the New York, Washington, and Los Angeles media elite had designated as not qualified to be president. Donald Trump was so politically incorrect, the elite felt certain that somehow, he would have to be barred from taking the oath of office.

The next day, on November 9, 2016, Hillary gave a formal concession speech, saying, “Last night, I congratulated Donald Trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country. I hope that he will be a successful president for all people.”6 The emphasis on “all people” appeared to be a subtle reference to Hillary’s repeated charges that Trump’s campaign was a divisive one, designed to appeal only to the reactionary impulses of white supremacists seeking to roll back the “social justice” achievements of the Obama administration.

Within 24 hours of her formal concession speech, an angry and aggrieved Hillary refused to take responsibility for her loss to Trump, pointing her finger instead at Russia, resentful that Obama had not done more to make the case that Vladimir Putin had targeted her in a determined effort to throw the election to Trump.7

Killing the Deep State

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