Читать книгу Killing the Deep State - Jerome R. Corsi. Ph.D. - Страница 20

Paradise Lost


Hillary not only lost the opportunity to shatter the glass ceiling on Election Night 2016; her supporters also lost the opportunity to create a far-left utopia that they felt was certainly within their grasp. With Hillary as president, Obama could look forward to a continuation of his eight-year Saul Alinsky–like effort to fundamentally transform the United States into a socialist nation that warmly embraced radical Islamic extremists, including the Muslim Brotherhood.

With the Democrats thrown into disarray by Hillary’s defeat, the party resolved to move further to the left, determined to pursue a radical hard-left agenda consistent with the Deep State’s determination that Donald Trump must never be permitted to govern.

After eight years in office, Barack Obama had set the stage for a Hillary Clinton presidency that would once and for all time recast the American charter with new legislation and Supreme Court decisions that would transform what Obama had achieved into a final rewriting of the American covenant. Where our Founding Fathers desired to limit government power to protect and preserve individual liberties, the Democrats under Obama and Hillary sought to establish a Marxist-leaning social welfare state consistent with globalist one-world-government ambitions.

Hillary Clinton’s speeches to Goldman Sachs left no doubt that her political philosophy called for statist control over an international bank–driven finance system supporting the development of international business dominating a global economy.

Killing the Deep State

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