Читать книгу Killing the Deep State - Jerome R. Corsi. Ph.D. - Страница 9


THROUGHOUT 2017, DESPITE NO clear evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign, the mainstream media continued the negative drumbeat. Obsessed with coverage of FBI Director Comey’s firing as obstruction of justice, the mainstream media and Deep State forces glossed over Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s own conflict of interest in the case. Rosenstein picked the prosecutor to investigate Comey’s firing even though Rosenstein himself played a central role in that firing. But by the end of 2017, the Deep State’s grip on the coverage took a shocking turn, with proof of anti-Trump forces at work in the FBI.

The turn came with an investigation that Michael Horowitz, the inspector general of the Department of Justice, undertook to determine if preelection bias among top officials in the DOJ caused them to make decisions favorable to Hillary Clinton and prejudicial to Donald Trump.

On or about December 12, 2017, in advance of General Horowitz releasing emails from top DOJ officials to fulfill an oversight request of the House Judiciary Committee, the Department of Justice—without consulting with General Horowitz—turned over 375 text messages exchanged between FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok and FBI attorney Lisa Page.1 These messages quickly moved to the center of an intensifying argument by Republican members of Congress that members of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe were biased against President Trump.

The 375 released text messages opened up a floodgate of information that strongly suggested the FBI and DOJ had conspired to prevent Hillary Clinton from being prosecuted over her email scandal while simultaneously setting up the pretext that Donald Trump’s campaign had colluded with Russia to prevent Trump from serving as president should he win the 2016 election.

Killing the Deep State

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