Читать книгу Killing the Deep State - Jerome R. Corsi. Ph.D. - Страница 16

The Glass Ceiling


As the New York Post noted in reporting Clinton’s historic defeat, Hillary had chosen every detail of her election night so as to mark her moment in history—from the glass ceiling at Manhattan’s Javits Center, where hundreds of supporters were gathered to hear her victory speech, to the top-floor suite the Clintons had reserved at the Peninsula Hotel, located at 5th Avenue and 55th Street. Hillary had selected that hotel “so she could personally see Trump Tower, home to the foe she was set to crush.”

“Hillary’s communications team decamped to the Javits Center in the Hell’s Kitchen section of Manhattan, where preparations for her victory party were being made,” the New York Post noted. “The venue, which would fill with Hillary aides, donors, friends and well-wishers over the course of the day, was chosen in large part because of its distinctive feature: a glass ceiling. If everything went as planned, it would be the glass ceiling of the presidency that lay shattered under Hillary by the end of the night.”3

At 2:00 a.m. ET, Hillary’s campaign chairman, John Podesta, appeared at the podium in the Javits Center to say, “Well, folks, I know you have been here a long time, and it’s been a long night and a long campaign. But I can say, we can wait a little longer, can’t we? They are still counting votes, and every vote should count. Several states are too close to call, so we’re not going to have anything more to say tonight.” That was it, no concession. “So listen, listen to me,” Podesta continued, “everybody should head home. We should get some sleep.”

But President Obama phoned Hillary at the Peninsula to impress upon her the inevitable. The White House had concluded that the electoral map as reported by the television coverage was correct. Despite all the predictions, including nearly unanimous polling data that predicted Hillary would win easily, she had lost. Obama urged Hillary to telephone Trump and concede.

Finally, Hillary reluctantly agreed to speak with Trump by telephone. In a short call, Hillary conceded. “Congratulations, Donald,” she said. “I’ll be supportive of the country’s success, and that means your success as president.”4

Killing the Deep State

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