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For your diet to be balanced you need to eat a variety of foods from each food group – the various Body Blitz steps will go into this in more detail. Carbohydrates should form the backbone of your diet, specifically fruit and vegetables and starchy whole-grains. However, don’t fall into the trap of eating too many whole-grain starches in the belief that because they are low in fat you can eat more – they may be low in fat but they still contain calories! Proteins should be consumed in a smaller volume and fats should make up the smallest part of your diet.

Most foods contain a variety of protein, fat and carbohydrate, although the combination can vary greatly from one food to another. Hence we tend to define a food by its main food group. If you consume excess calories from any of these food groups – not just fat – you will gain weight and body fat. Whilst some of the nutrients have specific jobs to do, once these jobs have been done any excess calories will simply be stored as fat within our fat cells.

Each of these food groups will provide an energy or calorie value to the body. Carbohydrate and protein provide 4 calories per gram, fat provides 9 calories per gram and alcohol provides 7 calories per gram. So we don’t have to be an Einstein to realize that we need to look at the composition of the foods we eat as well as the total number of calories we are consuming if we want to control weight and body fat levels.

Unfortunately, there are no miracle foods to ensure weight loss. It is the whole picture of what we eat that is important for our health, weight and body fat. The Body Blitz Plan will show you that with a little knowledge you can eat whatever you want and still realize your weight and body fat goals.

Body Blitz: 5 Simple Steps to Permanent Fat Loss

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