Читать книгу Body Blitz: 5 Simple Steps to Permanent Fat Loss - Joanna Hall - Страница 8

The Body Blitz Lifestyle


Today’s lifestyle throws temptation at us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. Supermarkets re-circulate the smells of their bakery ovens back into the store, ready-prepared foods are becoming more and more convenient and fast food ever more accessible with tempting fare brought right to our front door!

The world we live in today is perpetually stimulating our minds and taste buds to eat more than we need – to the point where we are almost living in a food-toxic environment. At the same time our society enables us to become less and less active. We are under pressure to achieve more things in one day but the irony is with the wonders of modern technology this results in us expending less physical energy.

Everybody knows that a healthy lifestyle makes sense – not just for today but also for our future health and wellbeing. But somehow our good intentions never seem to have much staying power. Perhaps it is the thought of a life without a curry or the thought of an existence of carrot sticks and lettuce leaves, but the whole process can seem very unappealing. Then there is the interminable pounding of our bodies in the gym – only to have burnt off the equivalent of a mini Mars bar! All in all, it is enough to make you reach for the pizza home delivery number and the TV remote control!

But living a healthy life does not mean you have to live a life without chocolate or alcohol. The Body Blitz Plan is about being the best you can be whilst living the life you wish to live. It is about making small changes matter. It is about enjoying life while putting the Body Blitz strategies into place and knowing how to make lifestyle decisions work for you. In short, it is about applying a bit of know-how so that you can have your cake and eat it and pick your dress and wear it!

Body Blitz: 5 Simple Steps to Permanent Fat Loss

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