Читать книгу Body Blitz: 5 Simple Steps to Permanent Fat Loss - Joanna Hall - Страница 13



So why do we have body fat and how can Body Blitz help us get rid of it? Whether we like it or not we all have fat in our bodies. Each one of us is born with 23 billion fat cells and each of these fat cells has the ability to get bigger and bigger, as well as smaller and smaller. A certain amount of fat is important for our bodies as it gives us shape, warmth and insulation – the problem comes when we start to store too much fat in the body from overeating and under activity.

It is inevitable as we get older we are going to lay down more body fat as our body’s metabolism changes. To combat this we need to establish nutritional and exercise strategies to minimize body fat gain and improve our overall health. Fat cells do not disappear but the actual amount of fat in the cells can decrease and increase dependent upon how well we eat and how much exercise we take. The Body Blitz Plan provides you with all the strategies you need to lose body fat and weight – and keep it off for good!

Body Blitz: 5 Simple Steps to Permanent Fat Loss

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