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Reiki is always, consistently wonderful, and is always used by the body to move toward health and balance, and there can be a few bumps along the way. ~ Penelope Jewell

Life doesn’t always turn out the way we plan. We sometimes come to a point where we need to change the road we are travelling on and move in another direction.

Reiki is a great tool to use to gently guide you in the direction that is exactly right for you at this moment. Once again it may not be the direction you had expected, but if you place your TRUST in Reiki it will ALWAYS work for your highest good. Reiki can do no harm.

Just like the Reiki Attunements, the next 21 days will bring change into your life. This may be experienced as a new awareness, a new attitude as well as physical and emotional healing.

During our Reiki One training our Master made us aware of a possible “healing crisis” as we continued our new relationship with Reiki energy. I have since been shown that this crisis, although sometimes unwelcomed, is actually a “healing opportunity”. American politician Tom Barrett once said:

“Chaos in the world brings uneasiness, but it also allows the opportunity for creativity and growth”

Embrace change, wanted or unwanted, and step into the possibility of healing and growth. Please note that healing is not always the same as a “cure”. Reiki does not promise to cure anything. By healing we mean balance. Reiki brings the body, mind and soul back into balance relieving stress and tension which are two of the major causes of “dis-ease” in the body.

For the next entry in your journal write:

 The reasons why you chose to do this program,

 What you expect to achieve,

 How do you feel this book will change you,

 What changes you would like to see and

 Any fears you may have about the next 21 days.


The Reiki Way To Inner Peace

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