Читать книгу The Reiki Way To Inner Peace - Karen Colley - Страница 3



Conscious awareness in the present moment is the key to creating a happy and fulfilling life through your own design. ~ Jeddah Mali

For as long as I can remember, I have always had an interest in the holistic approach to health. From performing yoga in front of the TV with Swami Sarasvati as a four year old, to practicing Candle Gazing Meditation as a stressed out teen. However, the real journey began for me in 1998 when I received my attunement into the First Degree of Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki and I have been on this exciting path of learning ever since.

Reiki is a very gentle, non-invasive technique used to balance the mind, body and soul. Along with yoga and meditation, Reiki is another great way to experience a relaxed and centred state of being and bring about a feeling of inner peace. It is so easy, you place your hands “on” and the energy just flows. An inner calm comes over you and your mind chatter begins to slow down. A warm tingling sensation is experienced as every muscle in your body releases its tension and becomes heavy and relaxed. Ahhh, BLISS!

I believe that our purpose in this world is to learn and to be of service to others. It is all about gaining knowledge, evolving, growing and improving ourselves. However, in order for all of humanity to evolve and grow, it is important for each of us to serve others by passing on the information you are most passionate about and sharing your gifts. My passion is “inner peace and balance”, qualities I endeavour to promote in the world and create more of in my own life.

My Soul longs to serve our world by sharing wonderful ways to turn our experience of life, into one that is fuller, richer and more balanced. Everyone deserves to live with less fear, anxiety and stress. As a Reiki Master, Yoga and Meditation Teacher, my aim is to bring my students closer to their place of stillness and I find that Reiki is a very easy way to achieve this state of inner peace.

One of my favourite quotes by American writer Robert Alan says:

“We can only help make our lives and our world more peaceful, when we ourselves feel peace. Peace already exists within each of us, if we only allow ourselves to feel its comfort. Peace of mind begins when we stop thinking about how far we have to go, or how hard the road has been, and just let ourselves feel peace. Peace of mind gives us the strength to keep trying and keep walking along the path that we know is right for our lives.”

It has been said many times, that to have peace and harmony in the world we first need to have peace in our own hearts and minds. As Robert Alan says, the peace already exists within us, we just need to take the time to find it.

Now is the time. Feed your spirit daily with these life changing exercises and allow Reiki to be the catalyst for your transformation and to the discovery of your place of inner peace.


This book came about after a conversation with a few of my yoga students who had also completed Reiki courses. I found there was a need to help Reiki practitioners, both new and experienced, develop a daily self practise, especially those who had received distance attunements or had lost touch with their Reiki Masters.

After completing a Reiki course you can be overwhelmed with information and have a little self doubt with regard to your ability to do Reiki. Many changes are happening in your body and in your life and you may neglect to establish a self practise or you don’t know where to begin. This book suggests a simple way to commence your journey. It takes things very slowly, step by step.

The Reiki Way To Inner Peace

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