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Everyone is a house with four rooms, a physical, a mental, an emotional and a spiritual. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time. But unless we go into every room every day, even if only to keep it aired, we are not a complete person. ~ An Indian Proverb

Each day you will learn or review a different Reiki technique or meditation and give a short Reiki Treatment. This, along with journal writing will form your daily practise.

Don’t let the word “meditation” scare you. I have students who cringe at the thought of having to “sit still and think of nothing”. Before you place this book back on the shelf, consider this quote by Allan Wallace:

“The point of Buddhist meditation is not to stop thinking, for cultivation of insight clearly requires intelligent use of thought and discrimination. What needs to be stopped is conceptualisation that is compulsive, mechanical and unintelligent, that is, activity that is always fatiguing, usually pointless, and at times seriously harmful”

Meditation is designed to take away the mind chatter. All those self defeating thoughts that run constantly through our minds, undermining our energy and self esteem. There is no requirement to “empty the mind”. The techniques you will learn make it increasingly easier to centre yourself and bring your mind into the present moment.

Some of the techniques you may have been taught in Reiki courses and some may be new. If you have been taught to do the exercises differently then, just do them the way you were shown. As Reiki practitioners we all know that each Reiki Master does things a little differently.

For optimum results, a commitment to a daily practise will be required from Day One. Honour yourself by taking the time every day for this practise. Whether you have half an hour or five minutes it is important to practise daily.

At the end of the 21 days you will have established a daily routine of Reiki. You may not want to continue with all the exercises included in this book, just your favourites. That is OK. There are no rules! My aim is to bring awareness to the many ways you can use Reiki in your day and the many wonderful benefits you will experience by doing so.

Remember to go easy on yourself during this process. A little “self-compassion” may be required in the beginning and as you progress you may find that you begin to move out of “critical self judgement” and begin to honour and accept your unique Human-ness.


The first thing to consider is to establish a routine. We are after all creatures of habit and by working with that, we make things easier for ourselves. Each of us has a morning routine or an evening routine which includes shower, changing clothes and cleaning teeth. Most of us wouldn’t even consider going to bed without following this evening ritual. Making Reiki part of that routine will make it easier to form the habit.

If you practise at the same time and in the same place every day your mind will begin to respond by calming down as you start getting ready. This­ makes the experience even more enjoyable and one that you will look forward to every day.

Put aside time every day. If you want to try something new, you may have to let go of something old. Remember ten minutes is a couple of commercial breaks during your favourite TV show or a small amount of time spent on the Internet. You could just get out of bed ten to fifteen minutes earlier in the mornings.

It may help if you create a ritual of lighting candles, burning incense or playing music. Making the space special adds to serve as a focus for your intention. According to Buddhist teachings, statues, flowers, candles, and incense are all reminders of positive characteristics that we seek to honour in ourselves. The image of a Guru or Master reminds us of our own inner potential. Flowers remind us how life is beautiful and precious but impermanent at the same time. The flame of a candle bringing light to the space, signifies wisdom illuminating the darkness of the unenlightened. While the incense, as its perfume effortlessly floats through all corners of the room, reminds us to trust Reiki’s ability to gently transform our anger and worry into an inner peace.

I have included here a version of Hawayo Takata’s House Blessing. This Reiki ritual was given to the class during our Second Degree Course. You may use it to cleanse your room and infuse it with Reiki energy, in preparation for the next three weeks. It is not essential that you do this every day.

The Reiki Way To Inner Peace

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