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11. Collective mind. cognitive systems. Information and Communication Technologies


The polyvalent model is aimed at creating a modern service for the prevention and prevention of violence of various kinds, in order to ensure the well-being of children and adults, as well as the development of the country and the world as a whole, for the sake of a beautiful, healthy, strong and healthy life for children and adults. To create a healthy and peaceful society, an integrated approach is the first step towards a bright future, the formation of a healthy way of thinking, action, communication based on moral and ethical standards, compliance with the law, protecting the environment, caring for the future of children is an integral part of this process based on and development new social science of the 21st century about the collective mind of all systems. The collective mind of all – cognitive systems – is a complex adaptive system in which natural and artificial processes of evolution and development interact to create knowledge and wisdom.

The collective mind of all is cognitive systems, a new scientific and technical direction capable of solving the most important tasks of mankind: the study and development of artificial and natural living systems, the creation of a holistic artificial «living» model of the Universe, the main mission of which is the development and implementation of the spiritual world, the creation of new forms public relations, the development of culture, economic and political life, the creation of humanism.

The development of a new scientific and technical direction of cognitive systems and cognitive agents, which are an integral part of artificial intelligence, will create flexible and highly efficient production in the economy in human and non-human senses, the introduction of systems in various areas of life, the development of quality services, the creation of new business areas and the emergence of new business models, the development of artificial languages for information processing, the development of cognitive systems for computer graphics, computer animation, literary, musical and artistic works, the creation of a new generation of software systems and the creation of a new generation of robotic platforms and systems.

The creation of cognitive systems, cognitive agents and cognitive robots, which are an integral part of artificial intelligence, is a new scientific and technical direction in the development of artificial intelligence, cognitive modelling, cognitive computing.

In the field of psychology, cognitive psychology is the branch of psychology that studies mental processes such as «perception», «learning», «attention», «memory» and «language». In computer science, a cognitive system is a system that exhibits the characteristics of intelligence, cognition, or consciousness. Cognitive systems are very different from «robotic systems». Cognitive systems are developing as a new scientific and technical direction. The study of cognitive systems is a new scientific direction in which various disciplines are involved.

In cognitive systems, the direction of scientific and technological progress involves the development of a new type of artificial intelligence based on the use of artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms in a new scientific and technological direction – cognitive systems. Cognitive systems are the culmination of scientific and technological progress of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries in the field of artificial intelligence. Cognitive systems are already highly developed in Western countries, especially in the USA, where this industry is developing.

The creation of cognitive systems is the most important component of the socio-economic development of the country, the basis for the creation of artificial intelligence, robotics and space systems, the basis for the creation of new technologies.

The cognitive system is the basis for the creation of a new industry, new technology, the creation of artificial intelligence, software, new robotics, the creation of new economic and social systems, new technologies, new environmental and new computer technologies.

The creation of cognitive systems is one of the most important areas of science and technology, industry and economics, as it is a new form of science and technology, industry and economics, which significantly changes the entire technological and scientific process, the nature of production and social relations, the entire management system and politics, the entire system of education and culture. Promotion of a polyvalent model of green and sustainable development and new cognitive systems using ICT, a program to promote a polyvalent model using ICT are the basis for the formation of a positive perception among the population, and the practical application of monetisation through an integrated system of green sectors and sectors of sustainable development.

At this stage, the goal is to develop the first phase of the «Emotion Meter» based on a new ecosystem using the «Emotion Sensor», i.e. an information consuming device that uses a sensor with a unique software algorithm that determines the emotional reactions of users to changes in their voice, facial expressions and body movements, and thereby develops a new business model through a system that records users’ emotional reactions to various information and tags them with a social index, linking emotional reactions to user data. The positive perception of the population is based on a complex system of relationships between people and families through the contribution of these people and families to the development of society. The family is an institution whose main task is to provide conditions for the formation and development of the child, as well as to ensure his further education for further development in society. In this regard, there is a need to develop and promote a program to optimise relationships between family members, to provide the necessary conditions for the formation and development of a child from the very beginning of child’s life.

A child is a young person who actively participates in the formation and development of society, but during adolescence, child’s development is largely determined by parents and teachers. In order for the child to have a good time at this stage, it is necessary that parents and teachers organise their work correctly and effectively.

Here are the most important things to remember.

The goal of the polyvalent model should be achieved through instrumental approaches, the goal is the intrinsic value of the model itself, which is a single comfortable space with branched horizontal connections, a system of incentives aimed at encouraging a more responsible attitude to life, a conscious approach to the choice of goods and services that meet the requirements of various sectors green and sustainable development.

There is nothing more complex than a polyvalent model in terms of ideas, concepts, options and implementation approaches, ways to implement the individual steps leading to a successful polyvalent model. Any polyvalent model requires a certain amount of financial and intellectual investment.

The polyvalent model can be started from the moment the community is formed and the corresponding community is created to launch the polyvalent model based on a private company or civil society organisation that is part of the community. The creation of a new company or the development and promotion of an existing company are just a few examples of the start of a polyvalent model.

You can start developing a polyvalent model project by creating a social community that will implement the polyvalent model. Development of a polyvalent model that will open the minds of the people involved in the model, thus gaining a lot of interest in marketing it to the outside world and using the polyvalent model in various ways for leadership in the field of green and sustainable development.

Using a polyvalent approach to socio-economic development as a specific mechanism for transforming society, as well as introducing a new type of social responsibility and a humane approach. This can be a common denominator for all entrepreneurs, private investors and everyone involved in the process of building a sustainable economy. Growth is a social function, and the polyvalent business enterprise promotes a value system, a systematic approach to formulating growth strategies. Promoting a quality form of life, focusing on a system of tools for building a new model of economic relations based on the development strategy approach as a social goal. Instead of a profit-for-profit approach, business entrepreneurs, investors, and everyone involved can be motivated by a positive attitude towards universal human values.

The model strongly influences the development of mankind. Each person must be responsible for his actions, since each person is a part of society and his actions affect society as a whole, where each individual follows the goal of a common idea. The idea of a polyvalent model is a free and democratic basis in which team members have equal rights and participate in the activities of a polyvalent model in accordance with their abilities with identical rights and opportunities for all members. The basic condition for membership is the desire to create a better world.

Responsible Sustainability Model. Polyvalent model & Virtual economy

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