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5. New philosophy. Concepts. Goals and main aspects


Formation of a new philosophy of green sustainable development, which is a system of concepts and ideas, including an internal and external structure to ensure sustainable development, based on a number of philosophical positions and principles, such as:

1. Faith in humanity and the environment, which can be realised through innovative and sustainable technologies.

2. Rich cultural diversity that promotes human creativity and enriches the social fabric.

3. Belief in basic universal values (human rights, democracy, tolerance, freedom, equality and justice) as the main source of legitimacy, as well as in a socio-economic system based on the principles of humanism.

4. Belief in moderate consumption as the key to reducing social and economic inequality.

5. Belief that the environment and sustainability are the foundation of both economic growth and sustainable development.

6. Belief in the free market economy as the best socio-economic system for achieving sustainable development and in the market as a source of inspiration for finding the most effective means of improving the economy and reducing environmental impact.

Green and sustainable development is not only a matter of science and technology, but also a matter of spiritual civilisation and the wisdom of the human spirit. This can be considered the basis and root of all remarkable achievements and progress in science and technology. It has never been possible to develop science and technology without adopting the philosophy of green development or hoping for the acceptability of the spirit of green and sustainable development. Then there will be no room for regrets.

In addition, we must not forget that green and sustainable development is a subjective human project. All of its various goals cannot be achieved without a consensus among various stakeholders, which must be constantly built up through various actions of administrators and developers in order to bring about global change. Whether or not there is agreement with the above opinions and values, they exist to provide us with a vision and a framework for the future of humanity. Emphasising the importance of coexistence, cooperation and harmony between people, a new set of values and a new philosophy are proposed.

It is a philosophy based on environmental ethics, environmental law, environmental philosophy and environmental economics, with the environment being one of the most important factors in the development, production and consumption of goods for the well-being of the entire planet.

The main goal of the philosophy of sustainable development is to provide a better world for all people on our planet, the sustainable harmonious development of the ecosystems of the Earth and humanity, to create a comfortable and safe living environment for humans, not for the benefit of a few, a few people or for the benefit of one particular social class, but for the benefit of the whole society and all people in general, for prosperity for all nations. Ecosystems provide the natural resources and services on which human life depends. Human survival depends on these ecosystems.

The philosophy of green sustainable development covers the following main aspects:

1. Strategic, fundamental, theoretical and scientific foundations of sustainable development;

2. Philosophical and ethical foundations of sustainable development;

3. Scientific, theoretical and practical understanding and understanding of the principles and originality of green sustainable development.

This is a philosophy that all people, all nations, all groups and all institutions must adopt, based on their experience and their consciousness, on the result of their aspirations to build a green and sustainable world order.

In this sense, green sustainable development represents a way of thinking for the 21st century and the future in accordance with green sustainable principles.

This is an ethically correct form of behaviour, human thinking and a form of relations between people, between people and the world community, between people and the Earth, between people and the Universe. The current strategy of green and sustainable development, used by mankind in the last two centuries on a global scale, has proved to be ineffective in terms of economic, social and environmental aspects, which has become the main reason for the current critical situation in which we live. A radical fundamental shift in the approach to green and sustainable development is required, which can be achieved through social re-education, since this is one of the most important factors in this process, but also one of the most difficult factors to implement. The need for social re-education stems from the complexity of the process called the green and sustainable development strategy, in which the importance of knowledge and the role of learning are decisive factors. Therefore, the need to develop a strategy for green and sustainable development can only be achieved in the process of learning and generalising the knowledge gained.

When people begin to live as one family, with a common goal, to work for the benefit of all Humanity, for the benefit of all forms of life, then the planet, its people will be saved. It is a long and difficult path, which is based on green and sustainable development for socio-economic progress, to achieve an optimal state of society, and all this is in perfect harmony with the transformation and organisation of the Earth into a highly comfortable environment for the benefit of the planet as a whole. We can be sure that the most difficult stage is ahead. To achieve green sustainable development, you need to focus on three important things:

1. To make people fully aware of the seriousness of the environmental problem of our planet.

2. For people everywhere to recognise the benefits of living in harmony with nature and preserving the environment.

3. So that people can change the current state of affairs and change the way they think and act.

This can be achieved and humanity has everything that is required for this.

Responsible Sustainability Model. Polyvalent model & Virtual economy

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