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1. Introductory letter


The Global Hydrogen Strategy aims to develop green hydrogen technology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contain the increasing pressure on natural resources when a so-called nexus or resource knot is formed. An integral part of the strategy is the creation of units of large industrial production of hydrogen using renewable energy sources.

Today hydrogen-it is approximately 2% total global energy demand and slightly more 10% world electricity production. To date, the use of hydrogen in industry is one of the routine practices in the production of gasoline and ammonia. US produce approx eleven million tons of hydrogen annually. There is an infrastructure for the delivery and storage of hydrogen. 750 kilometers in the US and Europe 1500 kilometers of hydrogen pipeline systems.

The production of electricity and heat based on hydrogen fuel cells is already widely used in home energy stations..

The prospect of phasing out the production of gasoline engines forms a new main driver for the development of the automotive industry – the ever-wider production of hydrogen-powered cars.

Energy Strategies of China, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, South Korea suggests a systematic increase in the volume of hydrogen imports and, according to some reports, 2040 year, the expected energy demand will be: Japan- 7.8million tons per year; South Korea- 5.2 million tons per year; Malaysia- 1.6 million tons per year; Singapore- 0.4 million tons per year. China (forecast China Hydrogen Alliance) -need for 2030 will reach 35 million tons per year, a to 2050 year- 60 million tons.TO 2060 the volume of hydrogen, used in transport, will exceed the demand for this fuel in the industry, where the main consumers will be cars, this will be followed by trucks.

Main problem, 95% hydrogen is now produced from fossil fuels, mainly from natural gas and it is categorized as «grey» hydrogen. The current global hydrogen strategy aims to develop hydrogen technology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions based on renewable resources, the most likely is water using electrolysis technology to produce «green» hydrogen. China is already building the world’s largest green hydrogen plant in Xinjiangwith annual capacity 20 thousand tons of hydrogen where the solar farm area 630 ha. Current plans for the construction of the largest plants in Europe (Germany, power 100MW, performance 2 T/hour) to produce hydrogen by electrolysis are associated with an attempt to create a possible mechanism for storing electricity, generated by solar and wind power plants. Only a part of this electricity can be used to produce oxygen and hydrogen from water by electrolysis, hydrogen is seen more as a chemical energy store, primarily applied to its electrolysis by electricity generated by wind farms and solar panels as a concomitant auxiliary mechanism to increase the efficiency of these types of electricity.

This project is associated with the vision of «green» hydrogen as a top-priority, predominant in value, full-fledged commercial product using geothermal energy. Geothermal heat is a huge energy resource. The total world power used using turbines (steam> 150° C) is about 1300 GW, and geothermal resources with lower temperatures can provide about twice as much as using binary systems [Stefansson, 1998].

Center for Responsible Strategy. The concept of two components.

It is necessary to create a specialized Center for Responsible Strategy CRS in Southeast Asia to implement a large-scale plan for the production and use of «green» hydrogen in the largest market in Southeast Asia and to form a regional hydrogen energy hub on its basis.

CRS-the most successful form of a full-fledged technological, scientifically-production, financial, management base as the basis for the implementation of an innovative project based on the principles of a duplicative concept, when new industrial production of zero-carbon hydrogen is inextricably linked with green renewable geothermal energy in places of significant reserves.

The project is based on the creation of new production sites with a full cycle of production of «green» hydrogen through waste-free electrolysis of sea water using electricity from geothermal renewable energy sources.The main part of modern developments in the production of hydrogen is associated with the use of electrolysis of fresh water.,which, against the backdrop of increasing global deficits, is a controversial concept.At the same time, existing technologies for the production of nanotechnological microporous electrodes and new catalytic materials to prevent the production of unwanted substances (chlorine) make it possible to actually establish an industrial process for obtaining hydrogen from sea water.

The project involves the use of existing modern technologies in the field of hydrogen production, geothermal energy, their modernization, taking into account the regional characteristics of each site, attraction of those interested in financing the project, designing, activities in scientific-production area, construction and supply of necessary production equipment, as well as in the subsequent purchase of the finished product.

CRS duplicative concept. Location and network.

The principle of merging the two components of the concept determines the geography of several production sites. Each site location has individual advantages (market demand and prospects, availability of renewable energy resources (RES), investment climate, etc..), including where hydrogen gas comes to the surface, is emitted into the atmosphere in technically recoverable concentrations and quantities when required by the use of modern technologies for purification from impurities using electrical energy, which will bring the process to an acceptable level of industrial output. For the project, it is necessary to determine the primary coverage area from the most attractive in terms of RES reserves (Indonesia, Russia, Philippines, Chile) with an optimal list of such advantages for creating a production test site in order to identify local features of hydrogen production, equipment upgrades to improve performance, improve equipment efficiency, reduce the risk of possible losses, staff training and popularization of the hydrogen strategy among the local population and local authorities with the formation of a phased project implementation plan.The increase in capacity will be a multiple of each new site with their further connection into one single production, technological, information system, marketing network based on digital technologies and AI.

CRS production site. Module+Module.

The structure of production is based on the use of unified production-energy modules with a high degree of autonomy. Compact placement of technological and power equipment inside each module according to the mixed type (module: electrical generation+hydrogen production) or a separate specialized type of each module (module: electrical generation+module: hydrogen production). Assembly of each site according to the principle LEGO eliminates the need for bulky and-energy facilities, allows using minimally prepared areas for installation and compiling a quantitative network of site modules depending on the capacity of the renewable energy source. Additional modules can be added in a planned manner and connected to a single network with a gradual increase in hydrogen production. The technology of modern binary geothermal turbines is highly efficient, minimal impact on the environment, high mobility, flexibility in solving technological problems for the production of green hydrogen, the latter quality is especially suitable for building up the growing demand for electricity in order to process hydrogen into a commercial finished product. Engineering of the internal layout of the modules is represented by separate unified components, collected by LEGO principle to simplify maintenance, improving the reliability of the equipment of each module and the site network as a whole.

CRS. Financing. Structure.

The project involves mixed financing (private investment, bank lending, funds of commercial banks, foreign investment funds, state budget funds) and raising funds through the free sale of shares of a public joint stock company, in which any shareholder is a co-owner of the business and any person can become a member of PJSC with any investment, without having any entrepreneurial skills.

This approach to organizing activities makes it possible to attract additional material resources, maximizing the chances of successful long-term development of the enterprise, and long-term growth is associated with the continuous attraction of mixed investments using stock market instruments.

Structural organization of the project CRS will consist of the founders of the company, investors, partners and interdisciplinary members of the project, which together define the strategy and vision of the platform, which is based on the creation and maintenance of a sustainable community of adherents of the use of the duplicative concept of production, confident in the project and its purpose, whose goals:

●Create a community for enthusiasts and developers of smart green hydrogen production technologies based on RES.

●Create a community for adherents of the new economy based on high-tech green energy, environmentalists, climate change opponents and experts in the field of green hydrogen production and renewable energy.

●Create an optimistic and interactive community of socially inspired people with the sole purpose of improving the quality of life worldwide. Enable the next generation of people to live in a safe environment.

●Create a community of strategists and experts to create a dynamic and flexible

culture of attitude towards the use of green hydrogen and renewable energy.

●Create a community of interdisciplinary specialists, who will be leaders in the development of projects to create new joint structures.

●Use available resources to create an effective and successful project.

● Support platform participants’ initiatives and advise on corporate governance issues.

Project CRS-this is a huge potential for creating a clean hydrogen company based on renewable energy sources and represents a great opportunity for everyone to contribute to the creation of a single global network of green hydrogen and renewable electricity as the basis of a new economy and human society.

Project CRS as value and philosophy.

The philosophy of the project is based on dualism, inextricable coexistence of two sometimes opposite principles in almost every component of the project. Forces of nature, technological challenges, financial decisions contain irreducible or even opposite, but thanks to the project, combinations of these give a potentiating effect and further multiplicative vectors of development.

Almost every point of the project contains duality: modular low-cost technologies and the solution of some global tasks through them, localization of sites in regions with low population density with an acute social orientation of the project, dualism in the two foundations of the project-sea water and geothermal internal energy of the Earth, closed loop, autonomy of production and a high degree of global integration through digital technologies and finally, that the success of the project is in the joint work of small people and significant finances to achieve seemingly simple project goals, such as increasing the value of new hydrogen and renewable energy technologies.

The project essentially establishes a new higher level of cooperation for the benefit of society based on the following general strategy and principles:

1.Formation of colonies in the locations of the project sites, including areas of low population density, by creating a comfortable, favorable environment and development of new innovative directions within each project for enthusiastic people, like-minded people to use green hydrogen and RES energy.

2.Create a modernized network (smart grid) in the inter-modular component of each site and in a single system of sites, fusion of information technology capabilities with hydrogen production, power generation.

3.Simulate and create a new and dynamic fuel-energy company of the future as a prototype of the global structure.

4.Exist as a basic incentive and compensation model to reduce the cost of green hydrogen and encourage investment in its production.

5.Using digital technologies to reduce barriers and free access to green hydrogen and its energy opportunities.

6.Creation of decentralized local sites for the production of green hydrogen and minimal logistics costs.

7.Viable business development-models for the market.

8.Provide an opportunity for anyone to contribute and benefit

benefit from a green economy and contribute to reducing carbon emissions by digitalizing all project-related operations.

9.To enable people to make their own choice of alternatives and

green hydrogen option, access a sustainable and environmentally conscious future.

10.Participate in the global market mechanism for regulating greenhouse gas emissions under the Kyoto Protocol.

This is a project for the further use of a similar model in relation to the production of green hydrogen on other types of renewable energy sources and the creation of a single network based on them.

The points of the project development strategy provide a synergistic effect in the viability of industries based on the use of green hydrogen, as an indicator of responsibility and understanding of the processes of global change in the environment for the society and the society itself. The basic principles of project creation will be used as basic positions in the construction of new similar projects of any localization, where there is an opportunity to use these principles and this is not only the industry of green hydrogen production. Any projects using related technologies for green hydrogen, technologies based on green hydrogen will be included in the overall concept of the project development, where the green hydrogen production project will serve as a stable exchange rod rail as an asset value, that will unite all the components into a single whole network CRS. Network members can also use and share the created intellectual property of the green hydrogen production, related technologies, renewable energy and other activities with any participant in other projects without intermediaries and any third party.

Territorial isolation, technological isolation, the need to involve the local population at an early stage, further prospect of gradual assimilation into the surrounding production, social environment, as well as other factors in the formation of each single project – these are the conditions for creating local projects by the type of colonies.

Modern existing sites with compact placement of technological equipment have already become a real driver of economic development in the place of their localization, make a significant contribution to the global development of the new innovative economy, are fast-growing and bring the maximum return per invested unit.

Of course, for the growth of the project, the experience of creating and operating such sites will be used and conditions for interaction with them will be created.

Project, how a complex network of many components will increase due to the inclusion of new directions and projects in the project, based on the use of green hydrogen, information technologies.

Each step is planned to maximize the cost of a single network in the shortest possible time and is aimed at expanding and improving the quality of the project..

Taking Advantage of a Widespread Network, will quickly become one of the leaders in a rapidly growing market.

Against the background of the development of the green hydrogen market, the application of the latest technological developments in this industry still lags behind the overall market growth rate. Key stakeholders still face fundamental challenges, forming a vacuum of opportunities for the dynamic growth of the industry.

The main source of income for the project is green hydrogen. Part of the income will be constantly reinvested in the development of the project.

All owners of the green hydrogen project network will be entitled to receive profit shares in accordance with the size of the investments.

Project CRS and production of green hydrogen-a significant factor in the creation and effective use of a whole system of leverage, the meaning and meanings of which are essentially supra-systemic, supranational concepts, above interstate relations and political differences, when earlier, for various reasons, irreconcilable parties will be forced to approach and unite in the implementation of such a model. It is a complex and controversial process of motivating awareness, the adoption by each of its measure of responsibility and response, sometimes forced measures to participate in the global process to achieve a common ultimate goal-responsible attitude of members of the population to themselves, the world around for the benefit of every person, in the name of a new responsible person.

Responsible Sustainability Model. Polyvalent model & Virtual economy

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