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3. Progress and contradictions


The world is unfair, but progress is not inevitable. Society must develop in a sustainable way, there must be basic rules and obligations that must be observed.

Progress cannot be resisted. Progress is a broad concept, it is not only what is productive, but also what can be destructive. Progress is a great word, but at the same time history shows that progress is a form of violence. The concept of progress is not just an idea, it is a complex and controversial concept. Progress is a double edged sword, progress is a value that propagates to variables. Progress can be good or bad. Progress is the basis for the birth of new ideas, progress is the basis for the birth of changes and new opportunities. Progress is the root of social inequality, social exclusion and social violence. As a result, the notion that we can control progress is a delusion. We must ask ourselves the question: Do we need progress and do we need development in general of everything that surrounds us?

In ancient Greek philosophy, there are two concepts: being and becoming. Being is that which is eternal, and that is actually what is most important. And becoming is secondary, changeable. And that’s how much being is in becoming, so becoming is so good. That is, development in itself, it in itself is not a fact that is good. If this change from something to something contains more of the eternal, then it is good. If there is little eternal in him, then this is no progress, this is actually a regression. And the development of Western political thought and, in general, Western philosophy has come to the point that in modern times, being as such is generally discarded, and good or bad is already within this becoming. What is it about: everything from which development comes is good, more precisely, everything from which it is bad, and everything to which it is good, that is, everything that was yesterday is necessarily bad, everything that will be tomorrow is necessarily good. Because progress itself has become a religion. Progress itself has become eternal, we believe that any qualitative change is necessarily progress, although a qualitative change can be a regression. We can move from something to something and go down. But there are social relations in which there should be no changes, that there are things, primarily related to ethics, which are based on such transcendental truths that should not be revised. The new socio-economic model should be sustainable, equal and fair, and Western civilisation says that everything should be reviewed constantly. This permanent revision makes the current socio-economic model even more unstable and is almost in a state of collapse.

Responsible Sustainability Model. Polyvalent model & Virtual economy

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