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6. Green economy. Values. Ideas. New culture and development of society


The main value of green sustainable development is the emphasis on the rational use of the natural and environmental resources of the planet. It is based on the idea of managing and using the natural environment in such a way as to always maintain it in a useful and reproducible state, preserving the natural environment and preventing its use in which any damage can be done to it. The emphasis is on allocating much more human and financial resources to improve the quality of people’s lives, and not just on simply increasing the amount of material wealth. It is also based on the idea of creating an economic system aimed at creating a better standard of living for people, and not just looking for maximum profit margins for the benefit of a small part of the world’s population.

The green economy is very different from the market economy of the welfare state under capitalism. The green economy is based on a completely new economic paradigm, which is based on the ability to support technological progress without adversely affecting the natural environment, keep nature healthy and vital, reduce the dominance of the economy over society as a whole, and subordinate the economic system to the needs of society and progress in general. When it comes to the preservation and protection of the environment, it is necessary for the survival of mankind. Life is impossible on a dead planet, and the death of the planet means that humanity will perish along with the planet. When we talk about environmental protection, there are no political, ideological or philosophical differences on this issue. At the same time, «Green, sustainable development» means the materialisation of an integrated approach in all aspects of life to promote green and sustainable development in various fields, provides a common basis for mobilising the launch of global changes to achieve the ultimate goal of green sustainable development at all levels. There is no doubt that one of the main elements of sustainable green development over the years has been the task of developing the material resources of the planet in a way that will allow people to live as comfortably as possible, achieve the greatest freedom with the least effort to engage in intellectual and creative growth, create a new culture of technological development and not just satisfy your hunger or satisfy your random whims. There should be a common criterion for evaluating different projects when it comes to development approach, and it should not be based solely on economic criteria for evaluating different projects. The economic system should not focus on the consumerism that occurs at the level of saturation.

The essence of development at present is creative work on intellectual, spiritual and material culture. The development of intellectual and spiritual culture, in which a person is immersed for his own benefit, is the most important component of the development of civilisation and the world.

The development of material culture is also the most important component of the development of civilisation and the world, since it is impossible to imagine the development of civilisation and the world without a developed material culture.

For many years we have been accustomed to thinking about development in material terms, but today we see that all-round development is impossible without comprehensive work to improve intellectual, cultural and spiritual development.

We must strive to create a culture of humanity in the world in which the human person can develop to his or her greatest potential.

The development of intellectual, spiritual and material culture is a tool for improving the quality of life of all people on our planet.

Green sustainable development can help the development of society, since it is about the development of the economy and the environment at the same time, and not in conflict with each other. It should be seen as a generator of the creative economy and a generator of sustainable development. This is necessary because green sustainable development is in crisis and needs to go through a process of rethinking its principles and mechanisms to achieve its goals.

There is a very big concern that sustainable development without green elements will never be able to achieve its real goals, ensure sustainable development and there is a need for a new common vision of sustainable development in the 21st century. Green sustainable development is proposed to become the basis of sustainable development in the 21st century.

The concept of green sustainable development does not aim to promote any particular ideology. This concept, based on the principles of democracy and social justice, has been applied in various sectors, including the environment and business, civil society and government, disaster relief and recovery, finance and investment, as well as in the media and communications. The concept can be used to coordinate the efforts of various organisations and individual countries in the field of sustainable development. The theory of green sustainable development is also applied in academic research at a number of universities and is considered a component of sustainable development. For example, the Hong Kong Green Sustainability Institute is a non-profit organisation that promotes and implements green sustainable development. There are a number of other green sustainable development methods to promote the development of the Earth into a highly comfortable environment for people, using it as a source of resources for the benefit of people, human activities for the benefit of man as part of the global community – all this is in perfect harmony with the construction of the earth.

It is the philosophy of green sustainable development that represents the belief that we are entering a new world where the convenience of life and the quality of life on Earth, as well as the set of open problems of sustainable development, are the content of a new sustainable world order, firmly based on appropriate principles to achieve its goals.

Responsible Sustainability Model. Polyvalent model & Virtual economy

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