Читать книгу Sports Psychology For Dummies - Leif H. Smith - Страница 11

Introducing Sports Psychology and Mental Training



Knowing what sports psychology can do for you

Seeing your mind as a tool for success

Using sports psychology to prepare for competition

Understanding the hottest trends in sports psychology

Drawing on sports psychology tools as a coach

You’ve probably heard of elite athletes working with sports psychologists and pro teams having sports psychologists on staff. But what exactly is sports psychology, and is it limited to the pros?

Sports psychology is simply the practical application of psychological principles in a sports setting. It’s used to help an athlete or team improve their performance — and it absolutely isn’t limited to professional athletes. In fact, we’re seeing sports psychology used at all levels of sport. The field of sports psychology provides benefits and knowledge to youth, high school, and college athletes, as well as to coaches, parents, administrators, sports medicine physicians, strength and conditioning coaches, dietitians, and physical therapists. It’s used in the more popular sports — such as soccer, football, golf, and tennis — as well as in lesser-known ones — such as judo, snowboarding, fencing, and cricket. Sports psychology is even being used and applied in the non-sport realms, including medicine, education, business, politics, organizational development, and the military. Its benefits and uses are growing by leaps and bounds throughout the world. It’s an exciting time to be tapping into the benefits of sports psychology!

The good news is that you don’t have to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to hire your own personal sports psychologist. With this book in your hands, you have an edge over other athletes and, most important, the ability to reach your highest potential.

Sports Psychology For Dummies

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