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Take Your Time


These concepts are easy to master, but mastery of your unconscious communication systems takes time. After all, it took a million years of evolution to put all that activity management into your unconscious mind. Most of it should stay there, with good reason. The unconscious mind handles chores like regulating your breathing, heartbeat, and skin temperature, and that’s a good thing. You don’t want to have to think about all the stuff that keeps you alive and healthy.

The aspects of unconscious thinking that I’m describing have to do with your so-called intuition, your reading of others’ attitudes, emotions, and intents, and your control of your own body language, broadly defined to include your voice and posture as well as your mannerisms and gestures. These aspects turn out to be the most important for communication.

They do take time to bring to the conscious mind, master, and then send back down to the unconscious mind for retrieval when you need to. These are not simple changes; you’re reengineering a finely tuned, incredibly complex organism with more synapses and connections than there are stars in the Milky Way.9

If some parts turn out to be more challenging for you, then take it slowly. Make sure that you’re comfortable with each power cue before you move on to the next. For the most part, each step builds on the ones before it. So practice each concept for a few weeks until you’re comfortable with it and then move on to the next step.

Above all, don’t rush the process. You need to get into the habit of listening to your own unconscious mind in ways you most likely haven’t before, and that takes time and patience.

Let go of your preconceptions. Open up your thinking. It’s time to get to know your own mind.

Power Cues

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