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Exploring the Home Screen and Dock


The iPad Home screen refers to the screen you see when your iPad is unlocked and you're not working in an app. The Home screen is divided into multiple pages; you scroll to the next page by swiping your finger to the left on the screen and you scroll to the previous page by swiping right. With the exception of the first page, which contains a mixture of widgets and app icons, each Home screen page can hold up to 30 icons, with each icon representing a different built-in app or function.

Each Home screen page also displays the dock, which is a strip that runs along the bottom of the page. The dock can store up to 15 app icons, depending on your iPad model.

How you display the Home screen depends on your iPad model:

 If your iPad has a Home button: Press the Home button. If your iPad was asleep, you see the unlock screen, so you need to press the Home button again. After you unlock your iPad, you see whichever app or page was on the screen when it went to sleep. If you see the Home screen page you want, you’re golden. If not, press the Home button to summon your iPad’s Home screen.

 If your iPad doesn't have a Home button: If your iPad is asleep, tap the screen to display the unlock screen. Now use a finger to swipe up from the bottom edge of the screen. With your iPad unlocked, you see the app or page that was displayed when the tablet went into sleep mode. To get to the Home screen (if it's not displayed already, that is), swipe up from the bottom of the screen again.

When you unlock your iPad, you might have to enter a passcode. To learn more about passcodes, see Chapter 18.

In the following sections, I tell you briefly about the icons preloaded on your iPad’s Home screen pages, as well as the icons you find on the dock. Because the rest of the book covers most of these babies in full and loving detail, I provide only brief descriptions here.

iPad and iPad Pro For Dummies

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