Читать книгу Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible - Robert W. Krajenke - Страница 27

A Pattern for All


The Fall in Eden symbolizes the experiences of the twin-souls Adam and Eve, yet it also represents the pattern for all the Sons of God who entered with them.

Man, in Adam (as a group, not as an individual) entered into the world (for he entered in five places at once, we see—called Adam in one, see?) and as man’s concept [came] to that point wherein man walked not after the ways of the Spirit but after the desires of the flesh, sin entered—that is, away from the Face of the Maker, see? and death then became man’s portion, spiritually, see? for the physical death existed from the beginning; for to create one must die . . .


This universal pattern is reflected in this Life reading which describes a temptation similar to Eve’s.

. . . the entity was in the Atlantean land, during those periods of the early rise in the land of the sons of Belial as oppositions, that became more and more materialized as the powers were applied for self–aggrandizement.

The entity was among the children of the Law of One that succumbed to the wiles—and it may be well interpreted in that answer recorded in Holy Writ—”Ye shall not surely die, but it is pleasant for the moment, and for the satisfying of longings within.”

Thus did the entity begin to use spiritual forces for the satisfying of material appetites.


And the eyes of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked . . . And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day; and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden. (Genesis 3:7-8)

Both Adam and Eve became self-conscious, aware that the appetites of their bodies were at variance with the desires of the spirit. The new consciousness brought fear.

. . . with these changes coming in the experience of . . . Adam and Eve, the knowledge of their position, or that as is known in the material world today as desires and physical bodily charms, the understanding of sex, sex relationships, came into the experience. With these came the natural fear of that as had been forbidden, that they know themselves to be a part of but not of that as partook of [the] earthly, or the desires in the manner [of those] as were about them, in that as had been their heritage.


Apparently, the temptation and Fall were part of the Divine Plan, a necessary experience which had been foreseen by Amilius while in the spiritual state.

. . . as the first begotten of the Father, [who] came as Amilius in the Atlantean land and allowed himself to be led in ways of selfishness.


The Fall also involved a clairvoyant experience for Adam.

(Q) When did the knowledge come to Jesus that He was to be the savior of the world?

(A) When He fell in Eden.


The God-Force became sexual force, or carnal force, in the Garden. The destiny of Adam, after the Fall, was to restore and demonstrate the full potential of man’s creative energies in the flesh. This was realized through the Immaculate Conception of Mary (who had been Eve) and in the life of Jesus through his ministry and especially his Resurrection, the ultimate triumph over the physical.

This reading was devoted solely to the sex question.

Yes, we have the question here regarding sex and sex relationships . . . This has been the problem throughout man’s experience or man’s sojourn in the earth; since taking bodily form with the attributes of the animal in which he had projected himself as a portion of, that he might through the self gain that activity which was visualized to him in those relationships in the earth.

Hence slow has been the progress through the ages. And as has been seen, and as may be gained by a study of man’s development, this . . . has ever been a problem before man.

This is ever, and will ever be, a question, a problem, until there is the greater spiritual awakening within man’s experience that this phase biologically, sociologically, or even from the analogical experience, must be as a stepping stone for the greater awakening; and as the exercising of an influence in man’s experience in the Creative Forces for the reproduction of species, rather than for the satisfying or gratifying of a biological urge within the individual that partakes or has partaken of the first causes of man’s encasement in body in the earth.


The different natures of Cain and Abel may reflect a change in Adam and Eve concerning the purposes for sexual union. Cain was rebellious, self-indulgent, and unruly. Abel sought the approval of his Creator. Seth, the third son, is the beginning of a nation dedicated to God and to the proper uses of the creative energies which Man had been given.

Train him, train her, train them rather in the sacredness of that which has come to them as a privilege, which has come to them as a heritage, from a falling away, to be sure; but through the purifying of the body in thought, in act, in certainty, it may make for a people, a state, a nation that may indeed herald the coming of the Lord


Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible

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