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The Descendants of Cain


Two of Cain’s ancestors appear in the Life readings.

In a reading given for a seven-year-old girl, a very interesting reference is made to Tubal-Cain (Genesis 4:22) as “the first son to become perfect to become an associate with those of other activities.” Could this mean that the children of Cain had adapted themselves to the world yet still held a sufficient measure of the Light which enabled them to associate with the mixture races whereas the Adamic race was supposed to keep itself separate from the world?

The daughters of Eve are mentioned as well:

Before that we find the entity lived in that period when there were those in the land of the inter-between, or that between the lands then of Eden—that was between the Euphrates, or where the Red Sea, the Dead Sea now occupy—was the entity’s dwelling land.

There we find the entity was an associate and a companion of one Tubal-Cain, the first of the sons that had been made perfect to become an associate with those of other activities in the earth.

The entity withdrew, and made for those activities that brought about that which is the cry of those that are wounded in body, wounded in spirit, wounded in soul.

Then in the name (as would be called) Su-Su-Lu, though it was a trying and a testing experience, the entity gained. For the entity made overtures to those of the daughters of Eve (in person—that Eve of the garden, that Eve who made for the activities). Though the entity then was the seventh, tenth generations, it made overtures in person—in the age at those periods.

In the present experience we will find the entity seeking the association, desiring the association of those much its elder. Not that the periods of its own childhood, not that the periods of the recreation and all developments are not a portion of it, but periods when the tales, the counsels, the imaginations of those of elderly years are sought by the entity.

Do not forbid, but do direct.


Cain’s progeny also appear in a reading for a young boy, thirteen years old, an invalid since birth. He was told his condition was karmic and originated during the time of Lamech (Genesis 4:19-24) The reading closes with an indication of the harmful effects the descendants of Cain had upon this entity. Truly was this the line that caused God “to repent that man was made.” (Genesis 6:6)

. . . we find the entity was in the period when there were those changes in the sons of Tubal-Cain, when Lamech made for those choices of the first beginnings of when man as man partook of those things that made for the multiplicity, or when polygamy began among those peoples. [Genesis 4:19] This brought to the entity during the experience that of disorder, disturbance, the unfavorable expressions of many about the entity; and bringing those experiences that have builded for disorders in the experience.


Lamech’s actions can be viewed as a continuation of the effects from the negative spirit manifested in Cain.

Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible

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