Читать книгу Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible - Robert W. Krajenke - Страница 40



The Deluge is both symbolic and literal. Noah was also an actual entity.

In a noteworthy Life reading, a four year old child was told he had been Thomas Cambell, founder of the Cambellite movement, Elisha the prophet, and the ancient patriarch of the Deluge:

For, before that the entity was that one to whom was entrusted man’s advent into the world—Noah!

For this we find those weaknesses. Then, not as one refraining from those, but beware ever of any strong drink or fruit of the vine passing the lips of this entity—through these early periods, especially.


Although Noah was found naked and drunk in his tent after the Deluge, before the Flood it is written he and his family were “perfect in their generations.” (Genesis 6:9) Noah and his family still adhered to the tenets of the Law of One. They had not yet “broken the faith”—as this one had:

Before that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land during those periods when there were the separations of the peoples from the high and the low estates of the varied developments that were in that period of man’s experience in the earth, when there were the Sons of the High; or as given in Holy Writ, “The Sons of God looked upon the Daughters of Men.”

The entity was among the Sons of God, yet looking upon the Daughters of Men and making of self in those associations those periods when faith was broken with others, and when there was the belittling of the tenets and the truths in the powers that had been given among those peoples for the manifesting of that which would cleanse their souls that they might be one with the Creative Forces in this material world and in the spiritual forces also.


Noah and his group, no doubt, refrained from mixing with the creatures who were combinations of the thought–forms projected by the SONS of Belial and the descendents of Cain.

They were perfect in their day and generation. As individual entities they had chosen virtue in every form in relationship to things, conditions, and personalities in the earth.


The eight souls were saved for a definite purpose—to preserve the consciousness that had been brought into the earth through Adam and the followers of the Law of One, and to continue the spiritual and mental evolution of mankind.

For the entity was among those eight souls saved for a definite purpose, and brought that influence in the earth that is today that source from which spiritual and mental advance has been kept toward that more commonly termed the more civilized groups or individuals.


Cayce’s commentary to the Bible class follows:

“Noah is the next man after Enoch who walked with God. So God chose him as the channel through which His new method would be used. It is indicated that at the time of the Flood, Noah was the only man living who had come down in a direct line from Seth without contamination through intermarriage with the thought-form projections. All flesh was polluted. Only Noah and his family were allowed to have a part in the New Dispensation.”

Although it is written Noah was perfect in his generations, we have evidence later (Genesis 9:21-25) he was not perfect, mentally or spiritually. Even though he had come down in a perfect line, his anger and resentment at Ham show he was not free from sin. This also shows how powerful our own anger can be in its effect upon others. Noah’s anger produced a curse on all Ham’s descendants. Our own words and actions create similar conditions. They bring fruits after their own kind.

Cayce continues:

“The Bible says, ‘There were giants in those days.’

“Many of the myths which have been handed down to us are based on truth from the beginning. With the intermarriage among the various projections of the physically strong, no wonder there were giants. They had superhuman ability, but lacked spiritual awareness. They were intent upon increasing their physical strength without taking thought to its spiritual source.

“Noah’s sons must have married their own close relations. All others were contaminated—or mixtures.”

A literal reading of the Bible indicates the Flood covered the southern portion of Europe, western Asia, and northern Africa. Yet in the eastern portion of Asia, in South America, Egypt, and Yucatan, myths have been preserved about a great flood and the salvation of one family.

Did the Flood really cover the whole face of the earth, as stated in Scripture? Or did similar experiences occur within all the five races at different periods?

The readings predict the discovery of ancient Atlantean records in Egypt and Yucatan which will reveal the answers to these questions.

How did Noah gather all the animals? The Bible class records show an interesting comment made by Cayce: “Animals are much closer to God in spirit than we are. They sense any great change that is imminent. Perhaps they came to him.”

Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible

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