Читать книгу Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible - Robert W. Krajenke - Страница 33

They Were There


One of the most significant factors of the Edgar Cayce Life readings is in the weight and support they give to a literal approach to the Bible. Cayce stated almost all portions of Scripture can be interpreted on three levels: literal, metaphysical, and spiritual. But for any level to be valid, it must be practical and applicable and able to be coordinated with the others and be “as one, even as the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit are one.” (281-30)

In other words, a literal level must be consistent with our understanding of mental processes and coordinant with spiritual truth as well. Failure to interpret its three–fold meaning is to deny the Bible its intrinsic wholeness. In some mysterious way, to acknowledge as factual those stories which have previously only been studied symbolically, or allegorically—or dismissed as fantasy or unenlightened primitive mythology—is to restore with added depth the indefinable sacredness of this Book of Life. A good example is found in the Tree of Life, with its significance on both a symbolic and literal plane.

The Tree of Life is found at the beginning and the end of the Bible, in Genesis and Revelation. In Genesis, Man loses the Tree of Life because of his fall. In Revelation, Man regains his access to the Tree. Symbolically, both trees represent the same principle.

(Q) What is meant by the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit that yielded her fruit every month and the leaves of the tree for the healing of the nations? (Revelation 22:2)

(A) That as the tree planted by the water of life; that is, as the sturdiness of the purpose of the individual in its sureness in the Christ; and the leaves represent the activities that are as for the healing of all that the individual activities may contact, even in material life. And that it is continuous, as by month, as for the purpose, as for the activities.


However, in the actual Garden everything was literally pure and pristine, a reflection of those images conceived in the mind of God. Thus, everything, even the trees, carried spiritual meanings.

In 1944, an Iowa housewife was told preceding an incarnation in Egypt as one of the handmaidens who discovered Moses in the ark (Exodus 2:5), she had been near Eden.

. . . we find the entity was in the early, early days, when there was the garden called Eden. There we find the entity was among those who looked on the activities of the mother of mankind. The entity then was among the “things”8 and yet was touched in person, was touched in heart, and sought to know the meaning of same, for it saw then fruit, leaves, trees, which had their spiritual meaning in peoples’ lives.


The relationship to this suborder ultimately became an issue between the Sons of God, dividing them into two camps.

A young Unitarian widow was told of her experience in Atlantis.

In that sojourn, then, we find that [the entity as] Assen-ni was of the children of the Law of One; with the Children of Belial as the negative influence or force among the children of men.

And there was the realization by Assen-ni that those who had been born were, through no fault of their own, being used as creatures for exploitation; and that through the very influence and power of the Children of Belial the Creative Energies were being used for destructive purposes—or as cloaks behind which their activities might be carried on.


The Cain and Abel story and the question it raises, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” may be drawn, in part, from the conflicts of this period. The patriarchs of the Bible drew upon the same source to face similar problems as the children of the Law of One thousands of years earlier. The above reading continues:

Thus those disintegrations were brought about that were so well given in the injunctions later written in the admonitions to Abraham, to Jacob, to Moses, to Elijah, to Joshua, to all the children of promise—of which we have records.

And if the entity will interpret the admonitions of Moses, much of that which is the inner basic principle of the entity may be found.


Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible

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