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The Family of Japeth


Through a series of readings members of a New Hampshire family discovered they had all known each other in the ark. The New Hampshire man (2726), a dairy farmer, was told he had been Japeth and that his present wife (2425) had been his wife.

Japeth’s wife, Rezepatha, was pregnant when she entered the ark and gave birth during the deluge. The child which was born to them was also reincarnated in the present, but not a part of their family and, indeed, unknown to the farmer or his wife.

A nurse which the family had hired to watch over their children was told in her reading she had been her mistress’ mother during this early period of history.

This interesting story begins with the father—Japeth:

Before that we find there was the experience of the greater period of development for the entity in the material world.

For we find the entity, as the son of Noah, chose the better way for transmitting in fact, in activity, to his peoples after the sojourn in the ark, not only the needs for the establishing of homes but of home altars, and the uniting of those home altars in a group, a nation, a national activity.

The name then was Japeth. In the experience the beauty of the companionship, of the entity’s activities, not only before but after the period of preparation and throughout the sojourn, found its expression and activity in that channel through which the hope of the world did and has Come again.

Thus in the present may the entity, with those associations, those companionships, bring—has brought—an activity which may add to that harmony in the material world, that will again sing—as the entity did through that period of activity—the realm of the infinite made manifest in man’s heart, man’s purpose, man’s joy.

Leave aside, then, those things that would easily beset, knowing thy purpose and thy ideal, thy ideal—physically, mentally, spiritually. Know that all that takes place or that takes form in the mind is prompted either by the spirit of truth or the spirit of rebellion. Which will ye choose?

Know the ideal, then, must be as was manifest in Him, who gave, “If ye love me, ye will keep my commandments—and I will come and abide with thee.” That promise is in spirit, is in truth.

Hence those as this entity may bring, with its companionship—as did bring, as did keep the home fire bright to the altar of the Lord—may bring again to man, in those activities in the earth, that of a joy. Not easy from the material angle, unless that ideal is held aloft in spirit, in mind, in material things.


His present wife was then his companion in the ark:

Q. What have been my associations in the past with, first, my wife, [2425]?

A. The greater experience, the greater advancement is in that innate or soul urge from that period in the ark.


His wife’s life was described as follows:

Before that the entity was in that activity when there were those preparations for changes being wrought in the relationships of Creative Forces with the sons of men.

The entity was among those, or that one chosen by Japeth as the companion in the ark.

With [the] relationships to that activity, the entity finds within self the visions of changes, in the relationships that are again soon to be established by and through the elements themselves in their dealing with men and Creative Forces or God’s Laws.

The name then was Rezepatha.


An English nurse, who had been employed to watch over the couple’s young children, was told in her reading that she had been Japeth’s mother-in-law—and had helped prepare her daughter Rezepatha for the responsibility she was to bear.

Before that, during the early activities when there were those preparations for the preserving of man’s activity in the earth—the entity was the mother of that entity who was the companion of Japeth, when there were the preparations of the ark.

The entity was that one who contributed to those abilities for that daughter who in her associations brought to the earth the line of activity, the purposes to hold to love as well as purpose.

The name then was Lapeth.


The nurse then asked about past life connections, first with the wife:

(Q) What has been my former connection with the following and how may I best help them in the present? First, [2425]?

(A) Oft there have been the associations. The greater was in the experiences when the entity was the mother of that entity now known as [2425], during those periods just before what is called the Flood . . . In the present, as has been and may be gathered from paralleling the lives, not only of the offspring in the present—there may be brought that consistency of purpose, that beauty of living for a purpose.

(Q) Mr. [2627]?

(A) In the experience that has been indicated—the period of the Flood . . .

(Q) Should I continue making my home with [2425]?

(A) By all means!


Three years after this series of readings, a middle–aged Pennsylvania stenographer was told in a previous life she had been the child of Japeth and Rezepatha.

Before that we find the entity was in the land when there were those preparations that man would not be wholly destroyed but how that the Father-God warned Noah to build the ark and to gather his sons and their families. The entity was one born in the ark during those periods, for the wife of Japeth, the son of Noah, was heavy with child, and it was born during those periods in the ark.

The entity knows, then, the escape, knows the way innately, and that it is only through the hands, the arms of God. Keep that eternal. Do give that to thy fellowman.


The youngest child of the New Hampshire couple was told he was among the first-born after the Deluge:

Before that the entity was in the earth in the early periods of man’s activity, when there were children born to the sons of Noah.

The entity was among the first of the groups born in the earth after the deluge or Flood and the resettling in the lands of that period.

Then in the name Pelus, the entity was among those who made rules, laws, and regulations for activities under which there was agreement by the various groups of its own peoples, in their separations, as to the records of how there were to be the settlings and where and what would be the privileges of individuals.

Thus we find those activities leading to the needs for the entity being first mindful of the health, then the opportunity in the training for law and public service.


Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible

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