Читать книгу Zero Waste Cooking For Dummies - Rosanne Rust - Страница 12

What Is Zero Waste Cooking?


Zero waste cooking is a strategy to reduce food waste. It’s about using all the food that you purchase, grow, or have access to, and leaving behind as little food and packaging as possible. It’s something to feel good about as you save money and reduce your impact on the planet.

Zero waste cooking is not about perfection or self-righteousness. Neither is it about becoming vegetarian or eating less meat. Be wary of statements about avoiding meat and dairy when in the context of zero waste cooking. The goal of zero waste cooking is to reduce all food waste.

Zero waste cooking is about adopting a philosophy to waste less food in your household no matter what your dietary choices are (of course I still want you to make mostly healthy ones!). It’s about learning how to grocery shop more mindfully and efficiently to maximize your food and your food budget. It’s also about having a plan for the food you buy and storing food properly.

Zero Waste Cooking For Dummies

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