Читать книгу Zero Waste Cooking For Dummies - Rosanne Rust - Страница 13

Using food and ingredients wisely


In the United States and many parts of the world, we’re blessed with an abundant food supply. We travel to grocery stores, expecting all the food and ingredients that we desire to be there. (Skip to Chapter 2 to learn more about the food supply chain and where your food comes from.) We expect our apples and tomatoes to be blemish-free and our food to be fresh and appealing. We purchase what we need (and sometimes more than we need) and bring it home to store on our shelves or refrigerator or freezer. You could say, we’re a little spoiled.

To create a zero waste kitchen, you simply begin by being more thoughtful about your purchases. You then start to rethink your leftovers and plan out how you’re going to prepare every ingredient that goes into your shopping cart. You also may have some second thoughts about perfect produce, realizing that a small blemish here or there doesn’t impact the safety or nutrition of the food.

Zero Waste Cooking For Dummies

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