Читать книгу Zero Waste Cooking For Dummies - Rosanne Rust - Страница 19

Enjoying better nutrition and health


Using a CSA may also inspire you to enjoy a wider variety of food, but so can simply adopting a zero waste kitchen strategy. Fruits and vegetables are often the items that get forgotten in the refrigerator. Sure, you had big intentions for them when you put them into your grocery cart, but then, oops, a few too many days go by.

When you adopt a better shopping strategy, you’ll soon find you’re getting more creative and seeking out more recipes to use up the food and produce items you have. In the end, that’s a win for nutrition — and the planet!

My nutrition philosophy is to educate about food and nutrition, guide people in how their food choices may impact their personal health and lifestyle, and then allow them to make choices within that framework.

As you make the most of what you have and you create a plan going forward, your overall diet will likely, coincidentally, improve as well. Consider times when you ordered takeout and would forgo cooking what was in the fridge. A zero waste mindset can give you that little nudge you need to rethink some food waste decisions, saving you money and improving your diet. Maybe you still order takeout, but you make a firm plan to cook up the previously planned meal the next day. Another win!

Zero Waste Cooking For Dummies

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