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Making the most of scraps and leftovers


There are two kinds of people: those who love leftovers (usually the cooks of the house!), and those who say, meh. I hope this book inspires you to look beyond reheating a plate of turkey and mashed potatoes or a bowl of chili and instead create completely new dishes with those previously cooked ingredients.

As a wise cook once said, “Cook once; eat thrice.” Making use of leftovers, as well as doing some batch cooking, will save you both time and money. It’ll also take some of the day in, day out stress out of preparing dinner every night.

You don’t have to eat trendy foods to eat a well-balanced zero waste diet. Avocadoes may be all the rage, but they’re not the be-all and end-all for nutrition (and they spoil rapidly). No one food holds that health halo. It’s the totality of your diet through the week that impacts your nutrition status and your environmental footprint. Healthy food doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive.

The meal planning ideas in Chapters 6 and 7 use the concept of creating a grocery list with common ingredients that you can use in various ways through the week to make different meals.

Some foods simply taste better the next day or two. Dishes like chilis, soups, casserole dishes, or lasagna, for instance, get even better after they sit for a while, allowing all the flavors to come together. You won’t regret making extra servings when you cook those dishes.

Zero Waste Cooking For Dummies

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