Читать книгу Zero Waste Cooking For Dummies - Rosanne Rust - Страница 16

Adopting a Zero Waste Mindset


You probably picked up this book because you want to waste less in your kitchen and you care about the environment. The goal of the book is to help you get started and maintain a mostly zero waste lifestyle (mostly because, hey, nobody is perfect). While Chapter 3 gets into the nitty-gritty of creating a zero waste mindset, an overarching theme throughout the book is “progress, not perfection.” As you wrap your mind around the idea of wasting less food, the book addresses several things:

 How the idea of sustainability fits into a zero waste mindset (see more in Chapter 2)

 The three pillars of sustainability in agriculture and how they allow for the efficient use of natural resources to feed hundreds of millions of people

 How various sectors of the food supply chain conserve resources and work to reduce food waste

 How to analyze your personal food waste habits and create a plan to waste less

 How to choose foods with both your budget and health needs in mind

 How to organize a zero waste kitchen

 How to plan meals, waste less, and cook delicious meals

You may wonder why I cover things like sustainability, the food supply chain, and the U.S. agriculture system that brings you your food. Well, it’s important to know how the environmental piece of reducing food waste fits into the larger picture of where food comes from. There’s a lot of conflicting information about the “best diet,” the many sources of greenhouse gas emissions, and how various sectors impact the environment. Hopefully, this information will give you more to think about.

Many things impact climate change. This book assumes that the more than 333 million people in the United States have a variety of food budgets and circumstances. This book was written with the broad spectrum of food budgets and food availability, both rural and urban, in mind. The recipes and meal planning strategies I include were designed for everyone — not just those with a specialty grocer down the block — so they can enjoy eating for good health and learn how to waste less.

Zero Waste Cooking For Dummies

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