Читать книгу Towards Understanding the Qur'an - Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi - Страница 205


Al-Nisa’ 4: 22–3

(22) Do not marry the women whom your fathers married, although what is past is past.19 This indeed was a shameful deed, a hateful thing, and an evil way.20

(23) Forbidden to you are your mothers,21 your daugh- ters,22 your sisters,23 your father’s sisters and your mother’s sisters, your brother’s daughters and your sister’s daughters,24 your milk-mothers, your milk-sisters,25 ▶

19 It does not mean that if a man had married his step-mother during the days of Ignorance he can maintain the matrimonial relationship with her even after the revelation of this prohibitory injunction. What it rather means is that the children born of such previously contracted marriage will not be considered illegitimate after the promulgation of this injunction and will not be disinherited.

20 In Islamic law marrying women who fall in the prohibited degrees of marriage is a recognized criminal offence.

21 The word “mother” applies to one’s step-mother as well as to one’s real mother. Hence the prohibition extends to both. This injunction also includes prohibition of the grandmother, both paternal and maternal.

22 The injunction with regard to daughters also applies to grand-daughters on both the paternal and maternal sides.

23 This applies to full sisters as well as to half-sisters.

24 In all these relationships, no distinction is made between the full and step- relationships.

25 There is consensus among Muslims that if a boy or girl is breast-fed by a woman, that woman attains the status of mother, and her husband the status of father. It is forbidden to marry relatives through milk-feeding in the same way as marriage is forbidden with relatives through one’s real mother and real father. Not only is the foster mother’s child, who has taken suck along with the foster child, forbidden for him but all the children of the foster mother are just like real brothers and sisters and their children are for him just like his real nephews.


Towards Understanding the Qur'an

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