Читать книгу Towards Understanding the Qur'an - Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi - Страница 209


Al-Nisa’ 4: 27–30

He will graciously turn towards you. Allah is All-Knowing, All- Wise. (27) Allah indeed wants to turn graciously towards you; but those who follow their lusts would want you to drift far away from the Right Way. (28) Allah wants to lighten your burdens, for man was created weak.

(29) Believers! Do not devour one another’s possessions wrongfully; rather, let there be trading by mutual consent;32 and do not kill yourselves.33 Surely Allah is ever Compas- sionate to you. (30) And whoever does this by way of transgression and injustice We shall surely cast him into the Fire; that indeed is quite easy for Allah. ▶

32 The expression “wrongfully” embraces all transactions which are opposed to righteousness and which are either legally or morally reprehensible. “Mutual consent” means that the exchange should be free of undue pressure, fraud and deception.

33 This can be considered either as complementary to the preceding statement or as an independent statement. If it is complementary, it means that to consume the property of others by wrongful means is tantamount to courting one’s destruction. Taken as an independent statement, it would mean either that one should not kill others or that one should not kill oneself.


Towards Understanding the Qur'an

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