Читать книгу Towards Understanding the Qur'an - Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi - Страница 215


Al-Nisa’ 4: 44–6

passing with it lightly over your face and your hands.44 Surely Allah is All-Relenting, All-Forgiving.

(44) Have you not seen those to whom a portion of the Book was given? They purchased error for themselves, and wish that you too lose the Right Way? (45) Allah knows your enemies better and Allah suffices as a Protector, and Allah suffices as a Helper. (46) Among those who have become Jews there are some who alter the words from their context,45 and make a malicious play with their tongues and seek to revile the True Faith. They say: “We have heard and we disobey” (sami[na wa [asayna).46 ▶

44 The detailed rules of tayammum are as follows: A man who either needs to perform ablution or take a bath to attain the state of purity for ritual Prayer may resort to tayammum provided water is not available to him. Permission to resort to tayammum, rather than make ablution with water or take a bath, is also extended to invalids whose health is likely to be harmed by the use of water.

45 This signifies three things. First, that they tampered with the text of the Scripture. Second, that they misinterpreted the Scripture and thereby distorted the meanings of the verses of the Book. Third, that they came and stayed in the company of the Prophet (peace be on him) and his Companions and listened to the conversations which took place there, then went to other people and misreported what they had heard.

46 When God’s commands are announced to such people, they loudly proclaim: “Yes, we heard” (sami[na), but then they whisper: “And we disobeyed”


Towards Understanding the Qur'an

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