Читать книгу Towards Understanding the Qur'an - Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi - Страница 206


Al-Nisa’ 4: 23

the mothers of your wives, and the stepdaughters – who are your foster-children,26 born of your wives with whom you have consummated the mar- riage; but if you have not consummated the marriage with them, there will be no blame upon you (if you marry their daughters). It is also for- bidden for you to take the wives of the sons who have sprung from your loins27 and to take two sisters together in marriage,28 although what is past is past. Surely Allah is All-Forgiving, All- Compassionate.29 ▶

26 This prohibitive restriction in regard to such girls is not based on the consideration of their having been brought up in the house of a step-father. The jurists are almost unanimous that it is prohibited to marry one’s step-daughter irrespective of whether or not she has been raised in the step-father’s house.

27 Like the wife of one’s own son, the wives of grandsons – both paternal and maternal – are prohibited to grandfathers on both the mother’s and father’s side.

28 The Prophet (peace be on him) has taught that it is prohibited for a man to combine in marriage an aunt – whether maternal or paternal – with her niece. The guiding principle is that it is prohibited to have as wives two women who, if one of them were a male, would be prohibited to each other.

29 This is an assurance that God would not call them to task for such misdeeds of the Jahiliyah period as combining two sisters in matrimony. For this reason if a man has two sisters as his wives, he is required to divorce one of them when he embraces Islam.


Towards Understanding the Qur'an

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