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Al-Nisa’ 4: 47

“Do hear us, may you turn dumb” (isma[ ghayr musma[in),47 and “Hearken to us” (ra[ina).48 It would indeed have been better for them and more upright if they had said, “We have heard and we obey” (sami[na wa at[ana) and: “Do listen to us, and look at us (with kindness)” (isma[ wa unzurna). But Allah has cursed them because of their unbelief. Scarcely do they believe.

(47) O you who have been granted the Book! Do believe in what We have (now) revealed, which confirms the revelation which you already possess. Do this before We alter countenances, turning them backwards, or lay a curse upon them as We cursed the Sabbath men. Bear in mind that Allah’s command is done. ▶

(wa [asayna). Or else they pronounce ata[na (“we obey”) with such a twist of the tongue that it becomes indistinguishable from [asayna.

47 Whenever they wanted to say something to the Prophet (peace be on him) they would say, isma[ (listen), but they added to this the expression, ghayr musma[in which had several meanings. It could either be a polite expression, meaning that he was worthy of such deep respect that one should say nothing to his dislike or it could have a malicious implication, meaning that he did not deserve to be addressed by anybody. It also meant the imprecation: “May God turn you deaf.”

48 For an explanation of this see Surah al-Baqarah 2: 104, n. 36 above.


Towards Understanding the Qur'an

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