Читать книгу Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones - Shelley Kaehr - Страница 10

Subtle Bodies


Aside from the physical body, there are three areas of energy within all of us. Actually, there is just one big energy field, but I like to break it down in order to work with it more easily.

The first is the etheric energy layer. This is the field that resides closest to your physical body and is most intricately tied to your health and well-being. If you are blocked here, it will result in an actual, physical illness.

Second is the mental or emotional body, which is six inches away from the body. This is where our memories and emotions are stored. When we do not adequately express our emotions, this area is affected.

Finally, the causal or spiritual body is about a foot away from your physical body and extends to infinity. I believe that all of our challenges in life begin here. Some challenges derive from karma that we incarnated here to work on, and some challenges are new lessons that we have decided to take on after our birth. If we can address our issues at this level, then we do not need to be concerned with the emotional aspects or physical aspects of our energy bodies. That is easier said than done, of course! As my story about being ill demonstrates, we do not normally make changes unless there is mental or physical discomfort first.

When you place a stone on your body, that mineral exists at a higher vibrational frequency than that of the body. Because it is natural and free from the mental or emotional garbage that affects the rest of us, the stone holds its own. When introduced to the physical shell, it will create a change in the above-mentioned energy fields.

Different stones bring different qualities to us. Do you need love, health, or money/security? Depending on what you want to create, certain stones hold a frequency for those circumstances or attributes. By using the stones, your field can begin to shift and align in order for you to attract what you want. We will explore how this energy shift works throughout this book.

Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones

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