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1How and Why Gem Healing Works


Before we begin our journey together, we need to discuss how and why gem healing works in the first place.

Everything in the universe consists of vibrations, and this idea is highlighted in much of the Cayce material.

Recently after a long period of working non-stop over the holidays, I developed a headache that lasted for three days. It was so severe that I had no choice but to go to bed and rest. When we need rest but refuse to listen to subtle clues, the body will eventually make the decision for us. Such was the case with my headache.

I live in the Dallas area, and we had experienced a very cold period with little sunshine throughout the month of December. When the sun finally came out, so did the pollen and other unwanted pollutants that blew in from all over the place.

On the sunniest and most beautiful day we’d seen in quite some time, I found myself indoors and in bed with the covers over my head. It was a challenging time for me, to say the least. For the first part of my confinement, aside from trying to hold still so that my head wouldn’t hurt, I noticed that my mind was running a mile a minute.

I had been listening to some classical Christmas music in my car, and unfortunately the entire album played over and over in my mind for a day and a half. Once the music ran its course, other thoughts arose and languished about movies I had watched on the Hallmark Channel. Slowly, those faded away.

By the third day, I started thinking about memories from the deep past. By then, with my headache ever present, I escalated the situation from taking baby aspirin to adding sinus pills, which I absolutely hate to do.

Once my headache finally cleared up, my feet and legs began buzzing. Still completely out of whack, I called a friend to tell her that I was sure I was experiencing a true frequency sickness of some kind.

I was so “out of it” the first day that it wasn’t until the second day before I finally got up and selected some rocks. I chose my favorite citrine for my solar plexus, some amethyst for my eye sockets, a carnelian for my abdomen, and some quartz for the collarbone and neck area.

Within about twenty minutes of laying the gems on my body, I began to feel better. The stones, along with a vaporizer filled with eucalyptus, a lavender pillow on my eyes, and music consisting of alpha waves, all worked together to help me turn the corner in my healing.

This example of using stones explains how working with gems or any vibrational remedy can be successful. When you feel out of alignment in any way—and normally on a much more subtle level than what I just described—you need something to help you to restore your alignment.

Gems and stones, along with music, essential oils, and other wonderful tools that we have at our disposal, are very beneficial for realigning us with our natural healthy balance.

Gem healing is like music. Have you ever heard people trying to play music when it is out of tune? There is something off, and it doesn’t sound quite right. That is what happens to the body—the physical body, as well as the energetic body. On the contrary, when you hear singing or playing that is harmonious, it lifts the spirit as though the heavens have parted.

When a guitar is off tune, the guitarist must strum a note and adjust the strings to bring the whole instrument back into harmony. We are similar. The influences of other people, daily stress, environmental toxins, and more add up until we become out of harmony with our blueprint of perfection, which is how we feel when we are in perfect alignment.

We can get back on track. As I recently experienced, sometimes all it takes is slowing down. However, if we don’t stop and listen to our bodies long enough to take the proper steps to realign, we might develop some unhealthy discomfort or dis-ease.

I am extremely concerned about the idea of frequency sickness. Our society is often so plugged into phones, computers, televisions, and other devices that we have become out of sync with nature. This is not good!

During those few days when I was ill, I could not stand the sight of any screens or loud sounds. I was literally sick of anything electronic. I had to unplug. I am a very sensitive person, and I am greatly concerned about the masses that may be unaware of what electronics are doing to us. I certainly believe that technology has been a blessing to society in many ways. Communication has become more accessible, but on the other side of the coin, various health issues are arising. As they continue to emerge, I believe we will see more ramifications in the future.

Now more than ever, it is extremely beneficial to understand Cayce’s work and to learn how to use natural methods to shift our energy when necessary.

Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones

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