Читать книгу Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones - Shelley Kaehr - Страница 12

Healing Self and Others


Once you understand how and why gem healing works, it’s time to put that knowledge to use by healing yourself and others with the stones.

Back to the earlier story about my frequency sickness—after I began unplugging my electronics, I felt immeasurably better. Nevertheless, I felt I needed more.

Mercury was about to go retrograde, and I wanted to take a short trip to a cabin where I could be completely away from everything familiar as well as from the electronics.

I packed my bags and left on the first day of the retrograde period, which by the way is a perfect time for realigning and reevaluating things. Besides, electronics often don’t work well during these periods, so what better time to get away?

The first day while I was in the cabin, the rain poured nonstop for twenty-four hours. Thick trees surrounded the cabin, and my friend and I were literally trapped inside, forced to be still and quiet.

I had packed all of my favorite stones for our retreat, many of which you will be reading about shortly. Each stone has a particular frequency and when introduced to the body will assist in making the needed changes.

While I was there, I ate only fresh fruits and vegetables to cleanse my system. Most of us believe that our diets are healthy. But even if you eat only organic, gluten-free, and other types of healthful food every single day of your life, the body still needs a break from its familiar routine. Such was the case for me. I decided to change my diet, and by doing so, my energy frequencies were also shifted. That shift, along with using various stones that you will read about in this book, helped me a great deal. The experience proved incredibly healing to my mind, body, and spirit. I felt refreshed by the time I went home after just a few days.

Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones

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