Читать книгу Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones - Shelley Kaehr - Страница 18

What about Physical Properties?


Q: Should it be translucent to light?

A: Should be transparent, or sufficient for the light to pass through.


I found this part of the reading to be extremely exciting. I’ve worked with nearly all of the gems in the mineral kingdom over the years because I can’t stop myself from buying them! Some of the stones are translucent, and some are not. Different stones will bring different feelings to people. In the above section of this reading, Source discusses a translucent stone because light passes through it, intensifying the healing.

Many stones vibrate to notes on a musical scale or to colors in the rainbow spectrum. When light passes through the gem, the healing properties are indeed better utilized by the body.

Clear crystal is especially receptive to light, which we will discuss later in the book. Crystals are powerful to work with because they can be used alongside any other stone to amplify the energy and speed up the healing.

I recommend using clear quartz crystals with any of the physically denser stones so that the light will pass through your piece and enter the stone you want to work with, amplifying the desired effects. Try this combination and watch your results improve!

In combining crystals with other stones, you will be more likely to feel the energy. Not everybody is sensitive to healing energy. Some of you are visual, some are auditory, and others are touchy-feely types. The fact that you cannot feel a stone working for you does not necessarily mean that it isn’t working.

I have perused many readings where Cayce recommended stones for people, and they wrote letters back to him saying they felt more mentally at peace while using the rocks but did not necessarily experience any actual energy from them. That is fine!

Just know and believe that it works. Trust that if you are guided to a stone and actually use it, you will benefit from the energy whether that information is in your conscious awareness or not.

Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones

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