Читать книгу Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones - Shelley Kaehr - Страница 17

Selecting the Right Stone


Q: How will I know when I have found this stone that is most useful for my purposes?

A: When there is found that which is sufficiently clear for the transmission of light and that which may be held in the hand for five to ten minutes and then set aside and listening hear the movements or the vibrations given off from the emanations from self.


The Cayce readings explain beautifully what I’ve been trying to tell people for years—that to a certain extent, the stone chooses you and not the other way around. You simply have to listen and pay attention to how you feel, and then you will know which one is right for you.

I love shopping for rocks. It’s one of my favorite hobbies. Whenever I am around a bunch of mineral specimens, I am like a kid in a candy store. When I first approach a collection of stones, I reach out to pick one up. When you pick up the first stone to which you are energetically drawn, your soul is talking. On an innate and energetic level, you have connected to that stone for a reason.

And if you’re faced with many choices (as I am), you may often put the first stone aside in favor of another that may be more physically attractive. Don’t do it!

As the Source says in the above reading, give it some time, pick it up, set aside both the first stone you saw and then the more attractive one, and think about which one is actually speaking to you. Invariably, it will be the first piece you selected.

Trust yourself to make the best selection. If you quiet your mind and access your higher self, the right choice will be clear. You might question yourself. “Is this right? Should I get something else?” If possible, go ahead and take both, but if you must pick only one, choose the one that buzzes in your hand or gives you an especially positive feeling.

Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones

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