Читать книгу Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones - Shelley Kaehr - Страница 20

What Is the Best Place on the
Body to Place or Wear a Stone?


. . . You are used to influence the stone to an effect, either upon those to whom it may be given or to bring for self the ability to aid in its abilities as raising the vibrations for self. Hence would come over this particular portion, or if desired, for the better training of self—held over that portion of the hollow on the left side above what is commonly called the collar bone.


It is interesting to note that I have spent a lot of time recommending sodalite as a stone to balance the thyroid. The soft area above the collarbone is the ideal place to lay the stone during a healing session on a massage table.

Reading this information from the Source makes me feel more than ever that we can indeed tap into an actual consciousness in the world of gem healing. Gemstones contain wisdom and healing that surpasses our conscious awareness.

Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones

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