Читать книгу The Female Leader - Sonja Becker - Страница 13

Before, a model. Now, a role model.



hereas before women were assigned careers which were confined to the domestic sphere, today every women can do want she wants. Where women decide, the “feminine” principles are more sought after and more successful.

Their historical roles as muse or geisha, who serves men while influencing them, are still to be seen in politics for example. Behind successful men often stand thoughtful and guiding women like Napoleon’s Josephine or Jackie Kennedy. Increasingly they are coming out from under the shadow of great men to hold high office themselves: Condoleezza Rice or Angela Merkel. Whether through more masculine means or through feminine intuition, cunning and malice. But in the end with success. And that also provides an incentive for women.

Female leaders are examples. If successful women were before almost exclusively “models”, today they are “role models”. They wield influence over methods, approaches and ways of doing business, and are turning businesses and branches of trade inside out. Women can achieve great success in business through their personality. From Anita Roddick (The Body Shop) to Carly Fiorino (HP) there are more and more women who don’t pretend to be men but are successful women as women: Christiane zu Salm, who turned the “women’s channel” TM3 into the despised game channel 9Live, in which nobody invested a cent, and out of which she made millions. She became successful and rich. Or there is Friede Springer, formerly a nanny in Axel Springer’s household, who led his financially stricken concern back to being one of the biggest publishing houses in Europe.

Or Joanne K. Rowling, who before “Harry Potter”, lived on welfare. And many other women whom we would like to introduce to you.

What applies to individuals also applies to organizations. The teams that have the greatest energy have the greatest success. Infinitely more energy is let loose through emotional intelligence, empathy, love and other “feminine” characteristics than through authority, pressure, and commands. “Male” bosses are affected by methods of dominance. They are calibrated to gain respect by authoritarian means. They make sure that they are unbearable. Which “boss” really wants to be like that?

Female bosses in the modern sense are people whom one simply doesn’t want to let down: more coach than manager. Their goals are defined more through satisfaction than through numbers.

Then the numbers will add up by themselves. Coaches approach their goal with humility, gratitude and a sense of responsibility, and set the team a good example. The female boss is in business what the trainer is in sport: the leader and the mover and shaker.

She is respected and loved and as a result has paved the way to success. “Power requires natural authority,” says Christiane zu Salm. “Women know that. And because they know that, power is in good hands when it is in their hands.”

This book shows you how to become a female leader and how to use your abilities to deal with the business of tomorrow. Never in the history of evolution has it been possible for women to achieve success, lead teams and build a successful career to such an extent as it is today.

What happens when business is no longer war, but play? It is the beginning of your career. From the beginnings, the vision and the ideas, to the daily grind, up to the highest level of inspiration, innovation and creativity. This is what this book is about: a handbook for “the female leader”. For you.



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The Female Leader

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